Describe a nursing clinical question of interest to you. This may be something you’ve always wondered about related to nursing or something you’ve observed and you wonder why nurses do things a certain way. Or it may be that you have seen nurses approach a clinical problem from one direction at one clinical site and a different way elsewhere and you wonder which way is best for the client.
Describe a nursing clinical question of interest to you. This may be something you’ve always wondered about related to nursing or something you’ve observed and you wonder why nurses do things a certain way. Or it may be that you have seen nurses approach a clinical problem from one direction at one clinical site and …
Describe a nursing clinical question of interest to you. This may be something you’ve always wondered about related to nursing or something you’ve observed and you wonder why nurses do things a certain way. Or it may be that you have seen nurses approach a clinical problem from one direction at one clinical site and a different way elsewhere and you wonder which way is best for the client. Read More »