Mental Health in nursing

Clinical application paper
Order Description
writing assignment is for Mental Health in nursing. Write a 3-5 page paper (Typed and following APA format 6th edition2013. ISBN13:978-1-4338-0561-5 ISBN 10: 1-4338
-0561-8) on one patient in the clinical setting. Information in the paper must be cited (APA format) and with a reference page: REFERENCES SHOULD NOT BE OLDER THAN 5
YEARS. A minimum of 5 references required. Evidence-based intervention or treatment must refer to a search study supporting the intervention. Please see attachment for
further instructions.Clinical application paper

writing assignment is for Mental Health in nursing. Write a 3-5 page paper (Typed and following APA format 6th edition2013. ISBN13:978-1-4338-0561-5 ISBN 10: 1-4338
-0561-8) on one patient in the clinical setting. Information in the paper must be cited (APA format) and with a reference page: REFERENCES SHOULD NOT BE OLDER THAN 5
YEARS. A minimum of 5 references required. Evidence-based intervention or treatment must refer to a search study supporting the intervention. Please see attachment for
further instructions.


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