who can modify the checklist to suit their particular assignment needs.
Subject Name: Language and Power
Subject Description
Language and Power is designed to help those with a language/literacy background to develop an understanding of the significance of a critical perspective on issues of language and power and for those already with a strong view of the political nature of social life to develop an understanding of the significance of language and literacy. Central to the subject is an understanding of the interrelationships between power and language. No previous knowledge in the area is assumed although the subject will attempt to build on knowledge of different areas that participants bring to the subject. The focus of the subject is on broad political and theoretical issues relevant to the concepts of language power literacy and pedagogy. A further aim is to introduce perspectives and techniques for developing critical literacy and discourse analysis skills and for taking up the pedagogical challenge posed by issues of language and power.
Subject Objectives/Outcomes
At the completion of the subject participants are expected to have well developed understandings of:
1. The connections between language and power across a number of contexts
2. Tools for the analysis of language and its interrelationships with power
3. Critical theory and concepts such as discourse and ideology
4. A range of techniques for analysing texts from a critical perspective
5. The diversity of possible pedagogical responses to issues of language and power
Subject Content
Language and power
Critical theory discourse ideology
Sociolinguistics and language policy
Critical language awareness
Critical discourse analysis
Critical literacy
Critical pedagogy
Learning Experiences
Students will typically experience the learning in this subject through the following processes and/or content that will be covered: For students studying in weekly mode the subject will be based around 2-hour weekly seminars where there will be a mixture of lecturing group work small tasks and discussion. Students will be expected to have read the assigned readings for each week and to be ready to discuss different issues. Students in the weekly class will have access to materials readings and so forth through UTS Online. For students studying the subject by distance there will be readings activities and discussions designed to encourage interaction among participants.
Weekly class schedule:
Below is the schedule we intend to follow this semester. Distance students do not of course need to follow this schedule so closely though it is generally a good idea to try to keep to this outline.
( The red is regarded to my Assessment 2 )
Teaching Week Topic
1 Introduction: Language and Power
1- Janks H. 2010 Language and Power in H.Janks Literacy and Power Routledge: New York pp.35-60.
2-Janks H. 2010 Language. Power and Pedagogies in Hornberger N. and McKay S. Sociolinguistics and Language Education Multilingual Matters: Bristol pp. 40-62. (available through the UTS library closed reserve).
2 Unit 2: The Politics of language:
3-Joseph J. 2006 How politics permeates language (and vice versa). Chapter 1 language and Politics Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
4-Barker X 2012 English Language as Bully in the Republic of Nauru in Rapatahana V. and Bunce P. (eds) English Language as Hydra Its Impacts on Non-English Language Cultures Multilingual Matters: Bristol pp. 18-36
https://www.lib.uts.edu.au/drr/34531/3 Unit 3: language power and medical contexts
5-Crawford A. 1999 We cant all understand the whites language: An analysis of monolingual health services in a multilingual society International Journal of the Sociology of Language vol. 136 pp. 27-45.
4 Unit 4: language power and the legal system
6-Eades D 2006. Lexical struggle in court: Aboriginal Australians versus the state. Journal of Sociolinguistics 10(2) 153-180.
5 Unit 5: Language ideologies.
7-Robbins J 2001. God is nothing but talk: modernity language and prayer in a Papua New Guinea Society. American Anthropologist 103(4) 901-912.
8-McGroarty M. 2010 Language and Ideologies in Hornberger N. and McKay S. Sociolinguistics and Language Education Multilingual Matters: Bristol pp. 3 -39.
6 Unit 6: Language and gender
9-Cameron D 2005 Language gender and sexuality: Current issues and new directions. Applied Linguistics 26(4) 482-502
Assignment 1
Unit 7: Language and resistance
9-Pollard V. 2003 Sound and power: The language of the Rastafari. In S Makoni G. Smitherman A Ball & A Spears (Eds) Black linguistics: Language society and politics in Africa and the Americas. London: Routledge.
10-Kumaravadivelu B. Dangerous liaison : globalization empire and TESOL (ch1) In Edge J. (ed) (Re-)locating TESOL in an age of empire
Unit 8: Language and power: From Marx to Bourdie
11-Holborow M 1999 In the beginning was society: Marx Volosinov and Vygotsky on language. Chapter 2 The politics of English: A Marxist view of language. London: Sage.
Non-teaching week
1 Non-teaching week
Unit 9 Critical language awareness
12-Reagan T. 2006 The explanatory power of critical language studies: Linguistics with an attitude. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies: An International Journal 3(1) 1-22.
13-Phillipson R. & Skutnabb-Kangas T. Linguistic human rights and English in Europe World Englishes
14-Hough D.A. & Skutnabb-Kangas T. Beyond good intentions combating linguistic genocide in education AlterNative : an international journal of indigenous peoples
10 Unit 10: Critical Discourse analysis (1)
15-Janks H. 1997 Critical discourse analysis as a research tool Discourse: Studies In The Cultural Politics Of Education vol. 18 issue 3 pp. 329-342.
16-Fairclough N (2003) Texts social events and social practices. Chapter 2 In Analysing discourse: Textual analysis for social research. London: Routledge
11 Unit 10b Critical Discourse analysis (2)
17-Van Leeuwen T. (2009) Critical Discourse Analysis in J. Renkema ed Discourse of Course An overview of research in discourse studies. Amsterdam: John Benjamins: 277-292 401.41 RENE
18-Van Leeuwen T. (2000) Visual Racism in M. Reisigl and R. Wodak eds. The Semiotics of Racism Approaches in Critical Discourse Analysis: Vienna Passagen Verlag.
12 Units 11 & 12: Critical pedagogy critical literacy and Critical multiculturalism
19-Pennycook A (2004) Critical moments in a TESOL praxicum. In B Norton & K Toohey (Eds) Critical pedagogies and language learning Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
20-Lin A. 2012 Critical Practice in English Language Education in Hong Kong: Challenges and Possibilities in Sung K. and Pederson R. (eds) Critical ELT Practices in Asia: Key Issues Practices and Possibilities Sense Publications: The Netherlands pp. 71-83.
21-Morgan B and V Ramanathan (2005) Critical literacies and language education: Global and local perspectives. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 25 151-169
22-Kubota Ryuko (2004) The politics of cultural difference in second language education. Critical inquiry in Language Studies 1(1) 21-39
Assessment Tasks and Attendance Requirements
Assessment task Brief Task Descriptor Subject Objectives Being Assessed
1 Essay: Language and power
1500 2000 words Application of concepts of language and power to contexts with which you are familiar.
2 Long essay: (several choices)
3000 words In depth study of language and power or critical pedagogical responses
Assessment Tasks
There are two assessed assignments for this subject
Assignment 1
The first assignment is an essay of about 1500-2 000 words aimed either at relating concepts of language and power to contexts with which you are familiar or at providing an overview of central issues in the beginning part of the subject.
Option 1: This is aimed at relating understandings of language and power to an everyday language event. Take a context with which you are familiar preferably something from your everyday experience (though you might also use other media such as television if you prefer) and discuss ways in which language and power operate in that context. Issues such as institutional power and other relations of social power (class gender and so on) will be important. Josephs different frameworks of the politics of language may help. You should try to relate your discussion of this context with the readings from the beginning of the class. Thus you might look at an everyday incident at home in your workplace or in another institution and reflect using the readings from the first part of the course on ways in which language and power operate together. You will be expected to draw parallels between the context under discussion and several but not necessarily all of the readings from the first module.
Option 2. Summarize key themes from the first seven weeks of the class and try to show different ways in which we can go about looking at questions of language and power. You should clearly deal with the readings…