A researcher wishes to​ estimate, with 95​% ​confidence,

A researcher wishes to​ estimate, with 95​% ​confidence,

the population proportion of adults who are confident with their​ country’s banking system. His estimate must be accurate within 4% of the population proportion.

​(a) No preliminary estimate is available. Find the minimum sample size needed.

​(b) Find the minimum sample size​ needed, using a prior study that found that 25​% of the respondents said they are confident with their​ country’s banking system.

​(c) Compare the results from parts ​(a) and ​(b).

​(a) What is the minimum sample size needed assuming that no prior information is​ available?


​(Round up to the nearest whole number as​ needed.)


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A researcher wishes to​ estimate, with 95​% ​confidence, was first posted on February 27, 2020 at 8:59 pm.
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