Grief is one to the most universal experiences

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Grief is one to the most universal experiences. Everyone will experience grief from loss at some point in their lives. Usually the grief process is related to the death of someone close, but grief can be experienced through many different facets of loss (Robak & Weitzman, 1998). For the adolescent and emerging adult, often the first experience with grief comes from the loss of a romantic relationship. The feelings associated with the loss of a romantic relationship are many times as deep as those felt with losing someone to death. The difference is that society does not view the loss of a romantic relationship as severe as death, so the experiences and emotions are often dismissed. This dismissal of grief is referred to as disenfranchised grief (Robak & Weitzman, 1998). Disenfranchised grief will often lead to more intense feelings of depression.

When an individual is told by their loved ones that their grief is not valid, they will internalize those feelings, trying to ignore the anger and sadness, to act normal in order to meet societal standards. Denying the feelings and not going through the grief process, leads to depression and at times suicide (Robak & Weitzman, 1998). The feelings of grief and depression are stronger in proportion to the seriousness and length of the relationship. The loss that one experiences when a relationship ends is not any different than the loss from death. An individual will go through the five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance when someone dies (Mossler & Ziegler, 2016). The same stages apply to loss of a relationship, except that moving through the stages is done in isolation.

It is important for people close to someone experiencing a loss to be supportive. Grief is grief, regardless of what the loss is. Allowing someone to feel those emotions, validating how they are feeling and being available to listen to them will help them through this time. In order to help someone through the grief it is important that they know how they are feeling is normal. When working with someone coping with grief due to the end of a relationship it is important to listen to their feelings. Let them express whatever it is that they are going through. Encourage them to express their emotions, allow themselves the time to grieve. This will help to prevent deep depression, or the feeling of numbness (Mossler & Ziegler, 2016). For adolescents and emerging adults denying themselves the opportunity to feel the grief from the loss can lead to acting out. This can be sexually, excessive drinking, drug use, or other high-risk behaviors (Robak & Weitzman, 1998). Acting out allows the individual to mask their emotions which can be easier than dealing with the emotions of grief. By encouraging someone to feel the emotions, to allow themselves to cry, be angry, or whatever it is they are feeling that person will be able to move through the stages of grief and heal in a healthy way.

There are several tools that can help someone cope with their feelings regarding their loss. Some of them are available online, such as online support groups through The Dougy Center. The Dougy Center (2020) offers online curriculum and virtual support groups for teens and young adults experiencing grief. The services and supports that are offered do not only apply to those who have experienced the death of someone close, but rather to anyone who is experience grief and is need of support through it. This is a great online community that allows teens and young adults to express their feelings in a safe, comfortable and nonjudgmental format. Teens and young adults are more comfortable with technology and can at times find it easier to open up about how their loss is impacting them int eh safety of their home (The Dougy Center, 2020). By having these options available, it is more likely that these groups will reach out when dealing with loss and heal in a healthy manner.


Mossler, R.A. & Ziegler, M. (2016). Understanding development: A lifespan perspective. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Robak, R.W., & Weitzman, S.P. (1998). The nature of grief: Loss of love relationships in young adulthood. Journal of Personal & Interpersonal Loss 3(2), 205-213.

The Dougy Center. (2020). The Dougy Center: The National Center for Grieving Children and Families. Retrieved from

2 respond

The issue that I would like to address would be maladaptive grief (MG) in school age children. “Although no clear consensus exists regarding the essential features of MG, continuing theoretical and empirical work has suggested that MG can manifest in a variety of forms depending on such factors as age, cultural background, exposure to the death, and circumstances of the death. Features of MG may include severe unremitting separation distress (e.g., pining, yearning, longing to be reunited with the deceased), existential, identity-related distress (e.g., feeling like part of oneself died with the other person’s death, nihilistic outlook on one’s life and future), and, in cases of traumatic or otherwise tragic deaths, circumstance-related distress (e.g., severe distressing preoccupations over the manner of death or desires for revenge” (Grassetti, Williamson, Herres, Kobak, Layne, Kaplow & Pynoos, 2018 p.11 ).

A young boy lost his father in a horrible car accident. He couldn’t understand why his father had to die the way that he did. He loved his father and looked up to him and couldn’t understand why he was all of a sudden gone from his life. When he found out that his father died he went outside and kicked a tree. He started getting in trouble and had a hard time attaching to others because he was afraid they would die as well. Although he had other brothers, sisters and a mother who loved him very much, he felt alone all the time.

With counseling this child I would first get to know the child and immediate family members. Have a group counseling first to see what has been done to help with the grieving process. When the child knows that his family loves him and care about the outcome he may start trusting in them again. I would also have him make memory boxes and draw pictures of his dad. Have him draw pictures of how he is feeling and coping with the death. From there we can discuss that life will go on and he can use the pictures as reference to his dad but that he does have family that care and love him deeply. I would also recommend that he join a group of other children that are going through the same thing so that they can talk through what they are going through and support each other.

Camp Erin would be a great place for children to go and get the help they need when they are dealing with the loss of a loved one. “Children and teens ages 6-17 attend a transformational weekend camp that combines traditional, fun camp activities with grief education and emotional support, free of charge for all families. Led by grief professionals and trained volunteers, Camp Erin provides a unique opportunity for youth to increase levels of hope, enhance self-esteem, and especially to learn that they are not alone” (Camp Erin for Grieving Children | Eluna. (n.d.).


Camp Erin for Grieving Children | Eluna. (n.d.). Eluna Network.

Grassetti, S. N., Williamson, A. A., Herres, J., Kobak, R., Layne, C. M., Kaplow, J. B., & Pynoos, R. S. (2018). Evaluating referral, screening, and assessment procedures for middle school trauma/grief-focused treatment groups. School Psychology Quarterly, 33(1), 10–20.


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