What are the potential consequences of being a health care worker who is unresponsive to the hepatitis B vaccine?

What are the potential consequences of being a health care worker wh Show more Answer the following questions: What are the potential consequences of being a health care worker who is unresponsive to the hepatitis B vaccine? For an HIV vaccine to be effective it almost certainly will have to be a live attenuated virus. What is a major concern related to the use of this type of vaccine for HIV? If an individual is immunocompromised what might be the risk of giving a live attenuated virus vaccine (e.g. rubella)? Vaccination for smallpox is required for certain health care workers and for military personnel. What are some of the concerns related to this kind of mandatory program of vaccination? New and more effective antimicrobials are developed every year. Many of these are effective in treating common ailments such as bronchitis and sinusitis as well as more serious systemic infections. What are some potential consequences of the development of new antimicrobials Show less


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