Discuss the authors conclusions. Do you feel these conclusions are based on the data that they collected?

Please make sure to read all attachments PRIOR to starting your work on this assignment and answering the Questions directly ONTO the form labeled NR439_RRL_Form revised 2 26 16.docx on the attachments that I have provided for you and the form labeled NR439_RRL_Form revised 2 26 16.docx is the where you will directly place your answers to and return to me when completed:
NR439_RRL_Guidelines revised 2 26 16.pdf
NR439_RRL_Form revised 2 26 16.docx
George S. & Thomas S. (2010). Lived experience of diabetes among older rural people. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(5) 1092-1100.
Hunt C. Sanderson B. Ellison K. (2014). Support for diabetes using technology: A pilot study to improve self-management. MedSurg Nursing 23(4) 231-237.
The following questions pertain to:
George S. & Thomas S. (2010). Lived experience of diabetes among older rural people. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(5) 1092-1100.
1) What is the purpose of this research?
2) What is the research question (or questions)? This may be implicit or explicit.
3) Did the authors describe the research design of this study? If so give a description.
4) Describe the population (sample) for this study.
5) Was the sample adequate for the research design that was selected?
6) Describe the data collection procedure.
7) How were the data analyzed after collection?
8) Discuss the limitations found in the study.
9) Discuss the authors conclusions. Do you feel these conclusions are based on the data that they collected?
10) How does this advance knowledge in the field?
The following questions pertain to:
Hunt C. Sanderson B. Ellison K. (2014). Support for diabetes using technology: A pilot study to improve self-management. MedSurg Nursing 23(4) 231-237.
1) What is the purpose of this research?
2) What is the research question (or questions)? This may be implicit or explicit.
3) Did the authors describe the research design of this study? If so give a description.
4) Describe the population (sample) for this study.
5) Was the sample adequate for the research design that was selected?
6) Describe the data collection procedure.
7) How were the data analyzed?
8) Discuss the limitations found in the study?
9) Discuss the authors conclusions. Do you feel these conclusions are based on the data that they collected?
10) How does this advance knowledge in the field.


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