adult development and aging
Choose a recently published research article related to adult development and aging and write a 1-2 page summary of the article. a. The research article: 1) must come from a peer-reviewed journal and 2) must be published on or after the year 2000. b. I recommend you choose a topic that is of most interest to you. You may use the power point slides to find topics.
2. What should be included in the summary: a. Summary of the introduction of the article, taking into consideration:i. The purpose of the studyii. The importance of the studyiii. Did the authors have any hypotheses? If so, what were they?
b. Summarize the methods and results section. i. Identify the sample size, participants, and measures used.ii. What were the findings of the study? iii. Did the findings confirm the study hypotheses?
c. Summarize the discussion section, particularly focusing on:i. Limitations of the studyii. Suggestions made by the authors for future research
d. Finally, discuss what you found most interesting in the study; what did you learn?
Additional Information:
It is very important that you follow APA style when writing your summary. You will not receive full credit if you do not. The APA publication manual (6th edition) is available in the library. The body of your paper should be 1-2 pages (not including the title page).
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