annotated bibliography of research

Please make sure that it is your own work and not copy and paste. Make sure you use the APA format. Watch out for spelling errors and grammar errors. My professor uses a system that can tell if this is the original work and where the reference came from. This is a DBA course and needs to be written on that level.

Book Reference:  Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2019). Organizational behavior (18th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.



Your assignment for this unit is to complete an annotated bibliography of research concerning differentiating characteristics that factor into organizational behavior. Your research should specifically focus on motivation in organizations, work-related attitudes, and the impact that moods have on jobs.

Your annotated bibliography should contain at least five peer-reviewed journal sources, three of which must come from the CSU Online Library. All sources must be published within the last five years. Each annotation should contain the following components.

  1. Provide the full reference citation in APA format.
  2. Provide a summary of the key points of the article.
  3. Provide a concise annotation with a thorough summary of the type of source, topic, argument, rationale, or interpretation.

Your annotated bibliography should be at least three pages in length.


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