Peer Counseling
- You will complete a 3-5 page reflection paper due Week 9. All papers must be in APA style, double-spaced, with 1” margins and 12-point Times New Roman font. All papers must include an APA Title page, appropriate page headers, and a reference page if appropriate (search for OWL Purdue APA online for a useful APA guide).
- How to Turn in Papers: All papers must be submitted electronically on Canvas prior to the start of class on the day they are due. You will receive instructions on how to do this prior to the due date. If you have any issues with this process, please reach out to your instructor ASAP to discuss further options.
- For more information on APA style refer to the following link, or the APA 6th Edition Handbook: (Links to an external site.)
- Any information that exceeds page maximum, other than the Title and Reference pages will most likely result in missed points.
- While the majority of grading will focus on content, you will lose points if you have any major APA formatting errors (e.g. do not include a title page), or if there are issues with the readability of your paper (e.g. grammatical errors that take away from your message or excessive spelling errors that could have been easily remedied by a spelling/grammar check).
Reflection Paper Prompt: You as a Peer Counselor (3-5 pages). Students will submit reflection narratives about their experience developing counseling skills over the past quarter. In 3-5 pages, students will discuss 1) Prior experience as a helper; 2) What personal traits will help the student in becoming a peer counselor; 3) What personal traits have gotten in the way or may get in the way of learning to become a peer counselor; 4) What have you learned about yourself this quarter; 5) What was your experience of providing and receiving peer feedback and 6) How do you plan to develop your peer counseling skills after this course and where do these skills fit into your career plans.
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