MAN4720CBE_Strategic Management
- Deliverable 1 – Strategic Management PlanCompetencyExamine the nature and functions of strategic management.InstructionsToday a new quarter begins at one of the following well-known organizations: Google, Walt Disney Company, Amazon, P&G, 3M, or Ford Motor Company. Please choose one of these organizations to complete the summative assessments for this course. Once you choose an organization, you should use that organization for all of your assignments.There are changes on the horizon for your chosen company that could either impact business positively or negatively, so there is a need to revisit the current strategic plan.Complete the following steps by writing a three- to four-page APA formatted paper with at least two outside sources (in addition to the text):
- Research what the vision and objectives are for the organization over the next two years.
- What is the current vision and has the organization followed this vision through their actions? If so, how, and if not, in what ways?
- What are the short-term and long-term objectives for the organization? In what ways can these objectives be achieved? (If the organization has not provided this information, use your research to hypothesize what these objectives might be, and how they could be achieved.)
- Complete a SWOT analysis by performing research on your chosen organization. If the necessary information is not available, infer what the missing information might be based on your research.
- What are the current strengths of the organization and will they still be of value as the industry changes?
- In what way can the current weaknesses be minimized while adapting to the change on the horizon?
- Are the opportunities of the previous plan still applicable? If not, what will the new opportunities be?
- What are the upcoming threats? Can they be addressed in the same way as they have been in the past?
- Research what the vision and objectives are for the organization over the next two years.
Deliverable 2 – Strategic Management ProcessCompetencyApply strategic management processes to analyze and improve organizational performance.InstructionsThe six organizations you have to choose from (Google, Walt Disney Company, Amazon, P&G, 3M, or Ford Motor Company) at some point in their history changed their industry. For the module 01 assignment, you analyzed your chosen company’s existing strategic management plan and completed a SWOT analysis. Now comes a more in-depth evaluation of the analysis process.Write a three- to four-page APA formatted paper with at least two outside sources (in addition to the text) that incorporate the following aspects:
- Importance of analysis:
- Multiple methods exist to evaluate management analysis. Discuss what some of these methods are and how can they be applied to your chosen organization.
- Discuss how an organization’s resources impact a management analysis.
- Discuss how value chain analysis can be used during the planning process for the future of the organization.
- Improvement methods for auditing organizational performance:
- Discuss the role an internal analysis can have during a more in-depth examination for improvement.
- Understanding the capabilities that exist within an organization will aid in making improvements. Using your knowledge of the dynamic capabilities assessment profile , describe the capabilities profile, its purpose and the steps that are involved. Describe how the dynamic capabilities assessment profile can be applied to your chosen organization.
- Importance of analysis:
Deliverable 3 – Strategic Management AnalysisCompetencyFormulate strategies based on an external and environmental analysis.InstructionsAll of the six organizations (Google, Walt Disney Company, Amazon, P&G, 3M, or Ford Motor Company) you chose from have invested in different methods of analysis to gain and retain industry standing. The threats and opportunities that exist for an organization are identified through studying and appraising the external environment. In order to be competitive, an organization must look closely at these aspects to properly formulate a successful strategic plan.Write a three- to four-page APA formatted paper with at least two outside sources (in addition to the text) incorporating the following aspects:
- Organizations as Open Systems:
- One key aspect is the “Environment as Information Perspectives.” Discuss what was determined to be the environmental uncertainty for your chosen organization.
- Another important aspect is the “Environment as Source of Resource Perspective.” Discuss the way in which management has been able to attain and regulate these critical resources for your organization.
- Provide a breakdown of these two perspectives to better see how they can be applied. If these perspectives are not readily available for your organization, you may infer them from information about the organization that is available.
- External and Environmental Analysis:
- Within the specific environment, multiple variables exist. Discuss which two of the five competitive forces were found to be most valuable and why.
- The general environment also needs to be examined. There are five sectors that should be analyzed. After evaluating each, discuss which two you believe will most impact the strategic management plan for your chosen organization and why.
- Organizations as Open Systems:
Deliverable 4 – Creating an Internal Assessment SurveyCompetencyApply the principles of strategic planning to construct strategic management plans for organizations.InstructionsYour boss needs you to develop an employee assessment survey that consists of 10 questions and will be administered through email to all employees. She hands you the following requirements that must be addressed within the survey:
- Integrating a Likert scale
- Identifying technical competencies on ERP systems
- Examining skill depth within financial services
- Reviewing overall knowledge of HR legal compliance
- Understanding depth of product knowledge
- Comprehending engineering technical abilities
- Gathering information on general shipping knowledge
- Identifying interest in future leaders
Deliverable 5 – Creating a Reference ListCompetencyEvaluate the integration of strategic management functions used to achieve competitive advantage.InstructionsYour boss has asked you to represent the organization in an industry panel on leadership. There is an expectation that all participants submit relevant research before the initial meeting.Your job is to create an APA reference list that contains ten total research articles. The requirement is that five of the articles are focused on strategic management and the impact on the competitive advantage. The other five articles are focused on the internal cultural environment and the impact on the competitive advantage. Along with the reference list, please submit a paragraph describing the process you used for selecting the articles and the criteria you used in the search process, as well as a short summary of each article.Grading RubricFFCBA01234No PassNo PassCompetenceProficiencyMasteryNot SubmittedThe reference list is incomplete.The reference list contains 10 references but there are categorical issues.The reference list is complete and categorically correct.The reference list is complete and categorically correct.Not SubmittedThe reference list is not APA formatted.The reference list contains some APA formatting issues.The reference list contains one or two APA issues.There are no APA formatting issues.Not SubmittedThere is no defined selection process or mention search criteria.The selection process is loosely defined and the search criteria seems vague.The selection process is defined but would be difficult to repeat and the search criteria is clear but not specific.The selection process is repeatable and the search criteria is clear and specific.Not SubmittedThere are no summaries of the articles.There are some summaries of the articles.All the summaries of the articles are present, but most of them are vague.All the summaries of the articles are present and are clear.
Deliverable 6 – PowerPoint Presentation on LeadershipCompetencyExamine internal effectiveness and resources, and how they impact organizational strategies.InstructionsYour boss has asked you to speak at the quarterly board meeting about your experience with risk management.Your job is to develop a PowerPoint presentation that showcases leadership skills and professional practice. The requirement is six slides that contain supportive notes that integrate discussion points and strengthen the content of each slide. The expectation is two slides for how risk impacts operational decisions, two slides on the benefits and limitations of internal assessments, and lastly, two slides on how risk can lead to opportunities.The following link is a great resource for creating PowerPoints:
PowerPoint PresentationsGrading RubricFFCBA01234No PassNo PassCompetenceProficiencyMasteryNot SubmittedThere are less than 6 slides.There are 6 slides, but they don’t follow the assignment requirements.There are 6 slides, and they mostly follow the assignment requirements, including some notes and discussion points.All 6 slides follow the assignment requirements, including notes and discussion points for each slide.Not SubmittedThere is no mention of leadership skills.Some demonstration of leadership skills.A few clarity issues with integration of leadership skills.No clarity issues with use of leadership skills.Not SubmittedThere is no integration of professional practice.Some explanation of professional practice application.Minor clarity issues with integration of professional practice examples.No clarity issues with use of professional practice examples.Not SubmittedNone of the slides address risk or internal assessment.Some of the slides address risk and internal assessment.One slide addresses how risk impacts operational decisions, one slide on the benefits and limitations of internal assessments, and one slide on how risk can lead to opportunities.Two slides address how risk impacts operational decisions, two slides on the benefits and limitations of internal assessments, and two slides on how risk can lead to opportunities.Deliverable 7 – Strategic Management PowerPointCompetency
- Examine the nature and functions of strategic management.
- Apply strategic management processes to analyze and improve organizational performance.
- Formulate strategies based on an external and environmental analysis.
- Apply the principles of strategic planning to construct strategic management plans for organizations.
- Evaluate the integration of strategic management functions used to achieve competitive advantage.
- Examine internal effectiveness and resources, and how they impact organizational strategies.
- What is strategic management?
- How is strategic management developed to improve organizational performance?
- How is strategic management executed?
- How is strategic management measured?
- How is strategic management integrated to achieve a competitive advantage?
- How is strategic management controlled?
PowerPoint PresentationsGrading RubricFFCBA01234No PassNo PassCompetenceProficiencyMasteryNot SubmittedNon-satisfactory work submitted in terms of PowerPoint presentation.Satisfactory work submitted for 2-3 slides that fully meet presentation requirements.Satisfactory work submitted for 4-5 slides that fully meet presentation requirements.Mastery shown for all 6 slides that fully meet presentation requirements.Not SubmittedNon-satisfactory answers submitted for strategic management questions.Satisfactory answers submitted for 2-3 strategic management questions.Satisfactory answers submitted for 4-5 strategic management questions.Mastery shown for all 6 answers to strategic management questions.Not SubmittedNon-satisfactory work submitted for supportive paper.Satisfactory work submitted for supportive paper but no references used as examples.Satisfactory work submitted for supportive paper with one to two references as examples.Excellent work submitted for supportive paper with three references as examples.