The Psychology Of Gender.

In a 4-page, double-spaced paper, please address the following questions:

1. What research question will you investigate? Why?

2. What method (e.g., experiment, quasi-experiment, correlation, naturalistic observation, case study,

interview, focus group) will you use to investigate your research question? Why?

3. What are two unique strengths of your chosen method? Please be sure to fully explain (i.e., multiple

sentences) why each strength should be considered a strength. Note: In order to earn credit for each

strength, it must be very clear that they are each unique.

4. What are two unique weaknesses of your chosen method? Please be sure to fully explain (i.e., multiple sentences) why each weakness should be considered a weakness. Note: In order to earn credit for each weakness, it must be very clear that they are each unique.

attachment detail:

the PowerPoint slides are on PDF format which explain how to set up the rese question on one PDF and the other is for the method.

the other file is the paper instructions and grade rubric.


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