Compare and contrast two advantages versus the disadvantages of the policy to disentangle nursing costs from the patient room charges and/or organization charges.

Review the assigned article for this week Buerhaus P. I. (2010). Healthcare payment reform: Implications for nurses. Nursing Economics 28(1) 4954.
An emerging political issue is to change the way healthcare providers are compensated to control healthcare spending. Nurses are the largest group of healthcare providers and can make the greatest impact on the healthcare system. Compare and contrast two advantages versus the disadvantages of the policy to disentangle nursing costs from the patient room charges and/or organization charges. How can this policy affect your policy priority? Is there evidence?
References must be 2011-2016 only nursing journals apa format with doi

Review the assigned article for this week Buerhaus P. I. (2010). Healthcare payment reform: Implications for nurses. Nursing Economics 28(1) 4954.
An emerging political issue is to change the way healthcare providers are compensated to control healthcare spending. Nurses are the largest group of healthcare providers and can make the greatest impact on the healthcare system. Compare and contrast two advantages versus the disadvantages of the policy to disentangle nursing costs from the patient room charges and/or organization charges. How can this policy affect your policy priority? Is there evidence?
References must be 2011-2016 only nursing journals apa format with doi #


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