Identify the best and worst of the five mission statements using the “Characteristics of a Mission Statement”

Module 1 Discussion

the five mission statements by completing Learning Exercise B on p. 59 in your

Examine the five mission statements by completing Learning Exercise B on p. 59
in your text. Identify the best and worst of the five mission statements using
the “Characteristics of a Mission Statement” identified in Table 3.
Explain why you selected the best and worst examples based on Table 3’s
criteria and post to the Discussion Board no later than Thursday 11:59 PM

Module 2 Discussion

Prepare an EFE and CPM matrix for The Walt
Disney Company using Universal Studios and Dreamworks for competitors. Indicate
your conclusions, including any strategic implications for areas you would
leverage, or weaknesses you believe need to be addressed.
Post your EFE and CPM matrix to the Discussion

Module 3 Discussion

Develop an IFE Matrix for The
Walt Disney Company 2011 using Exercise B on page 142. Complete the financial
ratios on Disney using the first step of Exercise C on page 142.
Post your results with a
short narrative on the strategic implications of the results of this
exercise as it relates to Disney’s strategy to the Discussion Board

Module 4 Discussion

Complete Learning Exercise E on
p. 101.
Post your results no
later than Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.Review your classmates’
answers and find two answers that differ from yours on any of the
company examples. Post a response to those classmates as to why
their or your answer is more accurate or may need to be reconsidered no
later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.

Module 5 Discussion

both a SWOT and a BCG matrix.
For the
SWOT, follow Steps 1-3 of Learning Exercise A on pp. 215-216 in your text.

For the
BCG, follow Steps 1-2 of Learning Exercise E on p. 216 in
your text.

Post to the Discussion Board
no later than Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.Respond to your fellow
students’ posts no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.

Module 6 Discussion

Learning Exercise D on p. 349 in your textbook.

Post to the Discussion Board
no later than Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.Review your classmates’
answers and find one answer where the two of you don’t agree. Explain why
you believe your answer is correct or if you changed your mind after
reading his or her answer no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.

Module 7 Discussion

Exercise A, Steps 1-3, on pp. 297-298 of your text. Then write a brief
narrative to state your conclusions on Disney’s position relative to the
competitors and post to the board.
Post to the Discussion Board
no later than Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.
Respond to your fellow
students’ posts no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.

Module 8 Discussion

Step 1 of Exercise D on p. 380 of your text. In place of Step 2, write a short
(2-3 pages) paper with outcomes and conclusions from your interviews and post
to the board.
Post to the Discussion Board
no later than Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.
Respond to your fellow
students’ posts no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Module 1 DiscussionExamine
the five mission statements by completing Learning Exercise B on p. 59 in your

Examine the five mission statements by completing Learning Exercise B on p. 59
in your text. Identify the best and worst of the five mission statements using
the “Characteristics of a Mission Statement” identified in Table 3.
Explain why you selected the best and worst examples based on Table 3’s
criteria and post to the Discussion Board no later than Thursday 11:59 PM
EST/EDT.Prepare an EFE and CPM matrix for The Walt
Disney Company using Universal Studios and Dreamworks for competitors. Indicate
your conclusions, including any strategic implications for areas you would
leverage, or weaknesses you believe need to be addressed.Module 3 DiscussionDevelop an IFE Matrix for The
Walt Disney Company 2011 using Exercise B on page 142. Complete the financial
ratios on Disney using the first step of Exercise C on page 142.Module 4 DiscussionComplete Learning Exercise E on
p. 101.Module 5 DiscussionCreate
both a SWOT and a BCG matrix. For the
SWOT, follow Steps 1-3 of Learning Exercise A on pp. 215-216 in your text.
For the
BCG, follow Steps 1-2 of Learning Exercise E on p. 216 in
your text. Module 6 DiscussionComplete
Learning Exercise D on p. 349 in your textbook.Module 7 DiscussionComplete
Exercise A, Steps 1-3, on pp. 297-298 of your text. Then write a brief
narrative to state your conclusions on Disney’s position relative to the
competitors and post to the board.Module 8 DiscussionComplete
Step 1 of Exercise D on p. 380 of your text. In place of Step 2, write a short
(2-3 pages) paper with outcomes and conclusions from your interviews and post
to the board.




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