John Q Application Paper
Overview of the Healthcare Delivery System
Application Paper: John Q
You will watch the movie John Q outside of class. You will be expected to take notes documenting your observations of this movie (your handwritten notes must be attached to the hard copy of your paper).
(1) WHAT What was the issue shown in the film? What was the hospitals decision? What was the potential impact of the hospitals decision? What was your overall reaction? What was the impact of health policy on the hospitals decision?
(2) WHY Why did the hospital make their decision? Why was this issue important both to the family and to the hospital?
(3) WHO Who was the patient? Who all was impacted (identify the stakeholders)?
(4) HOW How would you have handled the situation if you were the hospital administrator? Insurance company? Parent? How could changes in health policy have helped or hindered this situation?
Written Report:
The above questions are a guide to help get you started. You will need to summarize the what, why, who, and how described above along with apply the course material covered up to that point in the semester (Chapters 1-13) along with a minimum of two (2) additional resources from credible sites (e.g., journal articles, CDC, WHO, Health Policy Institute).
10- to 15-pages in length (field notes are NOT included in the page total for your written report).
1-inch margins
12-point, Times New Roman font
Use APA format and include in-text citations and a reference page. The reference page will not be included in the page total for your written report.
Submit your field notes as either a scanned .pdf file or as a picture file (if you take a picture with your cell phone)
Points will also be deducted if you do not:
o Attach your field notes
o Follow the directions as laid out under the Guidelines
Shi, L. & Singh, D.A. (2019). Essentials of the U.S. Health Care System (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN: 978-1-284-156720
Required readings in the form of journal articles, websites, and other scholarly material may be assigned based on the topics discussed in the course.