create a tri-fold health brochure on the topic of Posttraumatic Stress
Using between 350 and 400 words create a tri-fold health brochure on the topic of Posttraumatic Stress.
You will use the Microsoft Word pamphlet template. The pamphlet needs to be visually interesting and use appropriate images. This project must have 350 – 400 of your own words. Quotations are not part of the word count. Grammar and spelling are important.
You must cite all of your sources using APA style. Graphs and tables must be cited though pictures need not be.
You will use a tri-fold style pamphlet and all panels must have text. Your name and topic go on the front panel and works cited go on the back panel or on a separate page.
Create Content! Be sure to meet these four content requirements.
Be sure to clearly (and in your OWN WORDS) define all key terms.
Explain how your topic relates to health/mental health and adjustment. This can include how knowledge of your topic can help people live better lives. For example, for a health issue, explain what will happen if someone does not address it, including causes, progression, and treatment.
Include your name, PSY 118 section # (i.e. 0004) and semester (i.e. Spring 2019) on the cover of your brochure.
Be sure to write for the general public. Write as if someone has no knowledge of this psychology course, so over – explain as needed (key terms).
Sources and Citations:
You will need to find at least four reliable sources to gather information from, and summarize using your own words. You may use direct quotes, but sparingly. Please cite these appropriately using APA style.
You may use your textbook as one of your sources. (Weiten/Hammer/Dunn “Adjust” student edition)
You must use at least one source that is non – internet.
You can quote from someone with experience in the area, but you must be sure to give proper credit, and share their credentials (i.e. they must have some expertise in the area).
Get creative!
Use a template.
The easiest way to create a brochure is to use either a Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher pamphlet template.
Writing to cope with stress
Works Cited
Robb-Nicholson, Celeste, M.D. “Writing About Emotions May Ease Stress and Trauma.” Writing about Emotions May Ease Stress and Trauma. Harvard Health Publications, 11 Oct. 2011. Web. 05 Dec. 2014.
Weiten, Wayne, Elizabeth Yost Hammer, and Dana Dunn. Adjust: Applying Psychology to Life. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.
Brown, Megan, and Nancy Brown, Ph.D. “Coping With Stress.” Palo Alto Medical Foundation, July 2013. Web. 5 Dec. 2014.
Name removed
PSY 118.0005
Fall 2016
What does
Stress: a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.
Cope: deal effectively with something difficult.
Trauma: a deeply distressing or disturbing experience.
PTSD: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a type of anxiety disorder. It can occur after you have gone through an extreme emotional trauma that involved the threat of injury or death.
Emotional Intelligence: The capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.
Anxiety: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
Emotional Inhibition:
Holding back emotions in situations where it would be healthier to express them.
Is Stress a Big Deal?
According to
Joseph Goldberg, M.D.:
43% percent of all adults’ health suffer due to stress.
75% to 90% of all medical visits are because patients are stressed.
Stress can cause headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, abnormal body cycles, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, PTSD, depression, and anxiety.
Stress costs employers more than $300 billion every year.
The chance of having an emotional disorder such as panic attacks, PTSD, and depression is greater than 50%. All of these are stress related.
How Does Journaling Help?
Journaling is a way to say the things that we are too afraid to voice physically. It is a way to relieve your frustrations, anxieties, worries, and complaints in a way that is safe, constructive way that is harmless to yourself and others.
Also known as expressive writing, journaling is also a way to look back and see how you overcame obstacles.
Journaling can help you overcome emotion inhibitions. For those who are uncomfortable showing emotion, it is a healthy way to make small steps in becoming more emotionally expressive.
How To Begin
Find an easy-to-use journal and a nice pen. You are more prone to write if you like what you are writing in.
Don’t use a computer. You express more emotions in the way you write than in the way you type. When you read a journal, you can tell from the penmanship what emotion was being expressed.
Set aside time in your day that is dedicated to
Find a quiet spot to write. Although it’s trendy, coffee shops, bakeries, and cafes are terrible places to focus.
Don’t over-commit. Start with ten minutes a day and write about whatever you want. Work your way up to longer periods of time rather than becoming discouraged that committed journaling doesn’t come easily.
Key points or relevant quotations can be added in text boxes for emphasis & will also add visual appeal!
Tips for Success: Health Fair Brochure Project
This document has directions for the PSY 118 Health Fair
assignment and is also a good example of a tri-fold brochure
created using a Microsoft Word template found online!
Some topics are very broad! Focus on what would be most helpful to someone newly dealing with or learning about your health topic.
Be concise! Using bulleted or numbered points will help reduce wordiness.
Use medium or large size (12 point minimum!) sans serif fonts like Arial, Calibri or Tahoma and use high contrast colors to make your brochure easy to read!
Proofread, proofread, proofread! Print out your brochure, fold it into thirds, then proofread it again! Make sure all information on your brochure is visible when folded.
Consider adding pictures, clip art images, charts, statistics, graphs and quotes to make your brochure both
informative & interesting!
Add visual appeal!
If people are going to read your brochure, it needs to be
attractive & informative!
Include only images that are RELEVANT TO YOUR
Strive to balance text & images- don’t make it text-
heavy or add so many images the content becomes
Your name PSY 118
Section # Semester and Year
Why is the Health Fair project important?
A key part of Interpersonal Psychology (and adjustment in life!)
is educating yourself about issues that impact (or may potentially
impact) your health and/or that of your loved ones. Accurate
knowledge is key as it gives us tools to PROACTIVELY address health
issues, information to, hopefully, prevent or reduce problems and
resources so we can more effectively cope with the issue!
Project Overview
For this project you’ll educate yourself regarding a health related topic of your choice and will share your knowledge with your classmates. YOUR GOAL is to give your peers knowledge that will enable them to make choices leading to the most physically &/or mentally healthy life possible!
5 SIMPLE STEPS: 1. Choose your topic from the list provided, then visit our Health Fair Forum to start a thread on that topic (directions are in our class BlackBoard forum).
2. Conduct your research, being sure to use our book as one of your three sources, when possible.
3. Create an educational tri-fold brochure using one of the templates provided. When you’re finished, you’ll have 2 pages and 6 panels (3 panels on each page, like this example). Save your brochure as a Word, Publisher or pdf file.
4. Share your knowledge by posting your brochure in our online Health Fair Forum (simply reply to your original post).
5. Visit our Health Fair Forum to learn more about health issues. Feel free to comment on projects and share your thoughts and information about the various topics!
Details on each category are provided below and elsewhere in this brochure!
CAREFUL PROOFREADING -2 points will be deducted for each missed error (grammar, spelling, typo, etc.)
Content Requirements:
1) Be sure to clearly (and in your OWN WORDS) define all key terms relevant to understanding your topic (20 points).
Write for the general public! Avoid jargon by clearly explaining all medical or psychological terms in language everyone can understand.
2) Make it clear how your topic relates to health (physical and/or mental) and adjustment. This can include how knowledge of your topic can help people live better lives. If your topic is a health problem, explain how to prevent it and what can happen if someone does not address it (30 points).
Format & Layout Requirements: Your brochure must be a TRI-FOLD
brochure , printable on LETTER-SIZED 8 1/2 x 11 inch (not legal sized) paper.
You must have an obvious brochure cover that includes a clear title, your name, PSY 118 section # and semester/year.
The easiest way to create a brochure is to use a TEMPLATE. Brochure templates are available online for most word processing programs (just google it!).
Step-by-step directions for using Word or Publisher templates are available: Brochures-on-Microsoft-Word OR Brochures-Using-Microsoft-Publisher
Resource Requirements: You’ll need at least 3 reliable, relatively
current sources (from the past 5 years).