EDCO 810

Family Trauma Assessment Paper Rubric


Advanced 138-150 (A- to A):

Satisfies criteria w/ excellence

Proficient 126-137 (B- to B+) :

Satisfies Criteria

Developing 114-125 (C- to C+):

Satisfies most criteria

Below Expectations (F – D+):

Does not satisfy criteria

Not Present



Content: 70% = 105 pts


4-5 pts.

· An APA abstract is present with excellent content and formatting.

3-3.5 pts.

· An APA abstract is present but has either mild content and/or formatting issues.

2-2.5 pts.

· An APA abstract is present with significant content/ formatting issues.

1-1.5 pts.

· An APA abstract is present but is confused with the introduction in content/format.

0 points


78–85 pts.

· All components as described in the assignment have been thoroughly addressed.

· Assertions are relevant and properly supported by extensive evidence.

· All of the key content areas are addressed and properly cited.

· Utilizes best practices in traumatology with the population of interest.

· Thoroughly covers cultural considerations relevant to the population of interest.

71–77 pts.

· All components as described in the assignment have been addressed.

· Assertions are relevant and mostly supported by evidence.

· All of the key content areas are addressed and properly cited.

· Utilizes best practices in traumatology with the population of interest.

· Includes most relevant cultural considerations to the population of interest.

65–70 pts.

· Most components as described in the assignment have been addressed, or all components are present but need improvement.

· Some assertions are relevant and supported by evidence.

· Most key content areas are addressed and properly cited.

· Utilizes some best practices in traumatology with the population of interest.

· Includes some cultural considerations relevant to the population of interest.

1–64 pts.

· Few components as described in the assignment have been properly addressed.

· Some key areas are not addressed in full or omitted altogether.

· Core dynamics / symptoms common in the population of interest.

· Does not utilize best practices in traumatology with the population of interest.

· Does not consider cultural factors relevant to the population of interest.

0 points

Biblical Integration

9-10 pts

· Biblical application (verses / passages) is integrated into text with relevance clarified.

7-8 pts

· Biblical application (verses/passages) is integrated into text.

5-6 pts

· Biblical application (verses/passages) is present but not properly integrated.

1-4 pts

· Biblical terms/ verses/passages are not present and/or referenced.


4-5 pts.

· A detailed Conclusion section, with the APA heading of Conclusion, is presented at the end of the body of the report.

· A separate section for ideas for future research is included as the final paragraph.

3-3.5 pts.

· A detailed Conclusion section, with the APA heading of Conclusion, is presented at the end of the body of the report.

· A separate section for ideas for future research is included as the final paragraph.

2-2.5 pts.

· A Conclusion summary and ideas for future research are present but not detailed and/or supported by research.

1-1.5 pts.

· The Conclusion is vague and does not contain a wrap up and/or the required ideas for future research section.

0 points

Structure: 30% = 45 pts


14–15 pts.

· All required elements are included and presented with strong headings and organizational clarity.

· There are clear transitions between paragraphs and sections.

· The treatment of the topic is logically oriented.

· The paper meets the page length requirement, not counting title page, abstract, or reference pages.

12–13 pts.

· All required elements are included and organized.

· There are transitions between paragraphs and sections.

· The treatment of the topic is logically oriented.

· The paper meets the page length requirement, not counting title page, abstract, or reference pages.

10–11 pts.

· Most required elements are included and are mostly organized.

· The logical treatment of the topic needs improvement.

· The paper is within 3 pages of the page length requirement, not counting title page, abstract, or reference pages.

1–9 pts.

· Few or no required elements are included.

· There may not be a logical treatment of the topic.

· The paper does not meet the page length requirement, not counting title page, abstract, or reference pages.

0 points


14–15 pts.

· The paper properly uses current APA style.

· Proper headings, in-text citations, and references are formatted correctly.

· The paper reflects a graduate level voice and vocabulary.

· There are very few spelling and grammar errors.

12–13 pts.

· The paper consistently uses current APA style.

· Proper headings, in-text citations, and references are formatted with few or no errors.

· The paper reflects a graduate level voice and vocabulary.

· There are few spelling and grammar errors.

10–11 pts.

· The paper inconsistently uses APA style.

· Headings, in-text citations, and references are inconsistently formatted.

· The paper does not consistently reflect a graduate level voice and vocabulary.

· There are spelling and grammar errors.

1–9 pts.

· The paper erroneously uses or does not use APA style.

· Headings, in-text citations, and references are erroneously formatted or not present.

· The paper does not reflect a graduate level voice and vocabulary.

· There are spelling and grammar errors.

0 points


14–15 pts.

· The Reference page meets or exceeds the required number of sources.

· All sources are referenced throughout the paper.

· All references meet current APA standards.

12–13 pts.

· The Reference page meets the required number of sources.

· Most sources are referenced throughout the paper.

· References meet current APA standards, with only minor deviations.

10–11 pts.

· The Reference page does not meet the required number of sources.

· Not all sources are referenced throughout the paper.

· References meet current APA standards, but with major issues.

1–9 pts.

· The Reference page contains few sources.

· Not enough sources are referenced throughout the paper, or none are referenced.

· References do not meet current APA standards.

0 points


/ 150

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