Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on th Show more Final Examination GED 108 Environmental Science Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet) 1) The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment primarily characterized human impact on: A) atmospheric carbon dioxide levels B) degradation of the ozone layer C) ecosystem services D) plate tectonics 2) The Fourth Assessment Report released in 2007 concluded that global climate change is caused at least in part by the: A) human use of fossil fuels to generate electricity and power engines B) human use of chlorofluorocarbons in refrigeration systems C) harvesting of millions of acres of corn wheat and soybeans around the world every year D) depletion of groundwater supplies 3) Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere contributes to global warming by: A) transmitting visible light and absorbing infrared radiation B) transmitting infrared radiation and absorbing visible light C) transmitting infrared radiation and visible light D) absorbing infrared radiation and visible light 4) The Doha Round of WTO meetings have failed to reach agreement about: A) currency exchange B) converting the economies of developed nation from green to brown C) farm subsidies and trade barriers D) how to control public protests at future WTO meetings 5) The classical economic paradigm and the new ecological economic paradigm differ in the way that: A) each views the land either as a resource within the human economy (classical) or as something that encompasses the economy (ecological) B) the value of capital is assessed either in dollars (classical) or as resources that can be mined from the Earth (ecological) C) labor is determined either as the number of people who are unemployed not counting farmers (classical) or the number of people who are unemployed counting farmers (ecological) D) labor and capital are assessed either counting the total labor and capital resources available (classical) or that which is in use in operations (ecological) 6 Final Examination GED 108 Environmental Science 6) The ecological economic paradigm argues that the environment encompasses the economy because the environment is essential to provide: A) the energy necessary to run our homes and factories. B) solar energy needed for plants and to light our environment during the day. C) transportation along highways railways rivers and oceans. D) vital raw materials and ecosystem services and absorb wastes. 7) The ecological economists view emphasizes the role of: A) amount and quality of capital available to industry. B) abundance of well-trained well-educated labor that is available. C) natural ecosystems. D) publics understanding of the natural environment. 8) In some deserts there are mice and lizards that are about the same size. The mice eat grains and the lizards feed on insects. Given this information we would expect that the biomass of the: A) lizards would be about the same as the mice. B) lizards would be greater than the mice. C) mice would be greater than the lizards. D) lizards and mice would be about 10 times greater than the organisms that they consume. 9) Why are there so few ecosystems with more than four levels of consumers? A) because biomass decreases by about 90% at each trophic level moving up B) because top consumers compete with and kill each other with increasing population size C) because consumers at these highest trophic levels typically form social groups that stop reproducing at high densities D) because predators at the highest trophic levels simply are not intelligent enough to hunt other top predators 10) The information of an energy pyramid reveals that: A) it is expensive and inefficient to get most of your dietary calories from meats. B) it is expensive and inefficient to get most of your dietary calories from grains. C) consumers at lower trophic levels do not have as many calories as consumers at higher trophic levels. D) consumers at higher trophic levels are usually more abundant than consumers at lower trophic levels. 7 Final Examination GED 108 Environmental Science 11) Modern civilization and population growth had their origins in which revolution? A) Industrial Revolution B) Medical Revolution C) Green Revolution D) Neolithic Revolution 12) More efficient technologies better urban and regional planning policy and industrial changes will be required to drive which revolution? A) Industrial Revolution B) Medical Revolution C) Green Revolution D) Environmental Revolution 13) Name the two most recent of the revolutions affecting the global human population. A) Green Revolution and Environmental Revolution B) Neolithic Revolution and Industrial Revolution C) Medical Revolution and Neolithic Revolution D) Medical Revolution and Green Revolution 14) The transition from high death rates to low death rates in population is a result of the : A) Industrial Revolution. B) Medical Revolution. C) Green Revolution D) Environmental Revolution. 15) The five main revolutions of human history have all resulted in: A) a greater reliance upon fossil fuels. B) an increase in human carrying capacity. C) a reduction in the spread of disease. D) increased need for transportation. 16) Developing countries have increasingly become involved in the integrated global economy primarily due to: A) increased use of vaccinations. B) improvements in sewage and sanitation. C) constructions of dams and irrigation canals. D) increased use of technology. 8 Final Examination GED 108 Environmental Science 17) A study is conducted to understand how some developing countries have made social and economic progress. Which of the following would be a surprising finding in such a study? A) decreased fertility rates B) increased availability of clean drinking water C) decreased support of education D) a decline in extreme poverty 18) Which of the following descriptions is most characteristic of the worlds poorest people? A) On her way to high school a young girl walks along a path at the edge of a rice field. B) Filling a pot with clean water from a community water reserve a mother prepares to make a meal of rice. C) A man in his 80s smoking a cigarette makes his way to cast a ballot in a national election. D) In a large city a 12 year-old boy sits under a stack of tin he calls home. 19) In general which of the following would best help to reduce extreme poverty? A) programs specifically targeted to bring the poorest nations into the development process B) international efforts to promote economic growth in countries with the greatest poverty C) increased development of environmental protection in countries with the greatest poverty D) adoption of cultural programs that shift populations from rural to urban locations 20) Distilling salt water to make fresh water relies upon the processes of: A) precipitation and infiltration. B) transpiration and evaporation. C) evaporation and condensation. D) condensation and transpiration. 21) Some lakes have river and stream tributaries but no outlet losing water mainly through evaporation. Over time we expect that such lakes will: A) increase their fishing productivity. B) become deeper. C) become saltier. D) be good sources of drinking water. 22) Which of the following would we expect on the leeward sides of high mountain ranges? A) rainforests B) deserts C) wetlands D) deciduous forests 9 Final Examination GED 108 Environmental Science 23) The greatest worldwide use of water is for: A) irrigation. B) industry. C) human consumption. D) washing and flushing toilets. 24) The single greatest threat to irrigated agriculture is: A) groundwater depletion. B) global warming. C) flooding. D) None of the above 25) We would expect that soil leaching would be most severe in regions where: A) there is little rainfall and no irrigation of crops. B) in places that are havily irrigated. C) mollisols are abundant and farmers rarely plow. D) cattle are grazed and natural grasses cover the land. 26) In which of the following agricultural situations are fertilizers least needed? A) A pumpkin patch is harvested only in the fall and the vines remain behind. B) 1000 acres of corn are raised and harvested for export from a midwestern farm. C) A natural prairie pasture where cattle feed and defecate. D) A field where a farmer applies cow manure after harvesting hay. 27) A farm field that has used only inorganic fertilizer for the past 20 years is most likely to have: A) fewer soil organisms and less soil structure but increased nutrient holding capacity. B) fewer soil organisms less soil structure and decreased nutrient holding capacity. C) more soil organisms more soil structure and increased nutrient holding capacity. D) more soil organisms less soil structure and decreased nutrient holding capacity. 28) The charitable organization Heifer International uses donations to provide people in developing nations with farm animals to help feed hungry families. Heifer International is therefore contributing to: A) the Green Revolution. B) subsistence farming. C) the Industrial Revolution. D) high impact farming. 10 Final Examination GED 108 Environmental Science 29) Many people in the developing world primarily rely upon a diet of rice. Such a diet even with plenty of rice available to meet the daily calorie requirements runs the risk of: A) malnutrition. B) overnourishment. C) undernourishment. D) obesity. 30) Regularly providing food to regions with chronic hunger in developing countries can aggravate the problem of food supplies by: A) changing the types of native foods consumed by the local people. B) causing nutritional deficiencies associated with a new type of food. C) causing overnourishment and the health problems associated with obesity. D) decreasing the local production of food and disrupting the local economy. 31) Even using the best methods for sustainable agriculture Green Revolution grain crops in developed nations are ultimately limited by: A) weather. B) pests. C)…