Ending men’s violence against women

Psyc 1101

Research Paper Instructions

The research paper is intended to provide you with the opportunity to more fully explore a class a psychology-related research question, and examine it from a more empirical perspective. Details of the requirements for the assignment are below. The paper should be approximately 5 pages in length (not including a cover page or references).

Requirements of the Paper

1. References: Article Requirement

a. The research topic should be one that you can find examined in at least 3 reputable peer-reviewed psychology or counseling journal articles from the last decade.

b. Possible topics:

· Social Justice & Psychology

· The impact of child abuse on mental health

· The use of psychology to understand criminal behavior

· Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Immigrants in the Trump Era

· Suicide prevention among disabled veterans

· How does bullying impact student achievement?

· Ending men’s violence against women

· The privatization of prisons

· School-based interventions to end racism and homophobia

· Health and wellness among

· The link between depression and major health disorders

· Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and poverty

· Does teaching infants sign language help or hinder language development?

· Homelessness and Mental health

· The psychology of restaurant design

· Social media influencers and consumers

· Mindfulness-Based Program for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

· So many more!!!

c. Peer-reviewed journals are “refereed” or “scholarly” journals that include original research articles written by researchers and experts in a particular field. Researchers conduct research, write articles about their studies, and submit them to a panel of experts who review the article in order to ensure its quality. The reviewers may or may not ask for changes before they reject or accept the article and publish it in their journal.

d. Some peer reviewed journals include:

· Counseling Psychology Quarterly

· Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy

· Counseling Psychology Review

· Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition

· Guidance & Counseling

· Psychodynamic Counselling

· Journal of Psychotherapy Integration

· Psychology & Neuroscience

· Journal of Employment Counseling

· Journal of Counseling & Development

· Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development

· Journal of Mental Health Counseling

· Journal of Consumer Psychology

· Health Psychology

· Law and Human Behavior

· Counseling & Human Development

· Asian American Journal of Psychology

· Child Neuropsychology

· Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology

· Journal of Educational Psychology

· Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling

· Professional School Counseling Journal

· Spirituality in Clinical Practice

· International Journal of Play Therapy

· Aging

· Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity

· Neuropsychology and Cognition

· Experimental Aging Research

· Experimental Gerontology

· Journal of Adult Development

· Psychology of Aging

· The Journal of Community Psychology

· And so many more!

2. Other References

While you must have at least 3 articles referenced from scholarly, peer-review journals, you may also use (and reference) materials from popular magazines or the web. It just does not count toward the article requirement.

3. Format

The article must be written in APA style for a “literature review.” For information about lit review articles, see: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/types_of_apa_papers.html

If you are unsure what that format includes, see this website for an example:


4. Presentation

You will present your paper in 10 minutes to the class on the day you sign up to present.

5. Deadlines

a. Description of Topic

A one-page description of your topic or research question, why this interests you, and what you are expect (or hope) to find in your scholarly research.

b. Rough Draft

A rough draft of the paper (5pp, no title page) is on Tuesday, October 8th, three weeks before the final paper is due. You may submit this sooner. Prof. Valverde will give you feedback and suggestions to improve your paper for final submission.

c. Final Paper

The final Research Paper is due on Tuesday, October 29th. There will be NO late papers accepted.

6. Things to do list:

a. Determine the topic you are interested in

· Gather background information on topic (e.g., google your question and see where it leads you)

b. Find review articles and other basic information to use for background (outside of what is provided in textbook)

c. Find 3 empirical articles (papers have method/results sections)

· I prefer that you use the PsycINFO database to search for articles

· The 3 “empirical papers” must have methods/results sections.

d. Write the paper

· Formalize your research question/hypotheses

· Describe/summarize the empirical articles

· Critically analyze your topic

· Describe the background, method, results, and conclusions of the 3 empirical papers.

· Synthesize the findings from the articles

· Provide your own “take” on the topic in the form of a critique and future research ideas. You MUST show that you have gone beyond a summary, and have critically thought about the topic.

· Propose future directions/research (be as specific as you’d like)

e. Develop a Reference List

· You may use as many extra review articles or other empirical articles as you would like, but there must be at least 3 studies that are discussed and critiqued in detail.

f. Make sure your paper is written in APA format.

· There are 2 primary ways you will use APA formatting: referencing and use of section headers.

1. Referencing must be in APA style. Please see https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/in_text_citations_the_basics.html for details. You can use your textbook as an example of how to reference.

2. Any ideas or conclusions that are not your own (information that you have learned), you must cite – give credit to the person that had that idea!

3. Section headers are required in your paper. These should be descriptive of the paragraph(s) in that section (e.g. “Overview of false memories and children” then “Theories for false memories” then “Examination of familiarity”, etc.). The headers should be italicized and on their own line.

4. The minimum page requirement is 5 pages, double-spaced, 12-pt Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri font, with additional, separate title page and reference page. Please include page numbers. Other APA style formatting, such as running heads or an abstract, are not required but welcomed.

5. Reference page: Only include references of papers that YOU have read. If you have any questions about how to correctly cite a source, please ask, but also see information on the owl.purdue.edu website (or follow your textbook’s examples at the back of the book)!

g. Grading scheme includes:

· Content: 40 pt (Full explanation of topic, Introduction to topic, Background, method, results, conclusions of 3 studies, Your conclusion to paper

· Depth of thought: 30pt (Provided own conclusions and thoughts, Critical analysis of research, Provide future directions)

· Clarity: 20pt (Written in clear and understandable language, Logical order, Provides connections among papers, Succinct language)

· Grammar/Technical aspect: APA style / other requirements: 10pt (Includes section headers, Referencing within paper, Reference page at end, all references for paper included),

· Specific APA style information: Components of paper Title page: Name, title, class, section, date Body (use headers where appropriate) References: end of paper with centered title “References” Margins – One inch margins are required on every side. (File > Page setup) Spacing – Double-spaced Font type and size, 12 point, Page numbers – Make sure to put page numbers at top right corner of every page (in header)


· QUOTATIONS: Quotations should generally not be used.


1. Ex. Improper “voice” for academic writing:

In this review, I will show that the literature on treating juvenile murderers is sparse and suffers from the same problems as the general literature … Unfortunately, I have found that most of the treatment results are based on clinical case reports of …

2. Ex. Suitable “voice” for academic writing

The literature on treating juvenile murderers is sparse and suffers from the same problems as the general literature… Most of the treatment results are based on clinical case reports…


“conducted a study” instead of “did a study”

“examined” instead of “looked at”

“utilize” instead of “use” (where appropriate)

“great deal” instead of “a lot”

“furthermore” instead of run-on sentences

· ORGANIZE THE PAPER BY TOPICS NOT CHRONOLOGY: Build paper with a clear thesis. Good writing should provide clear and organized evidence for your argument or theory.

· BE CONSICE: Delete unnecessary words, phrases, and sentences to drastically improve your writing. Scientific writing is concise and to-the-point!

· REVISE AND REWRITE: Good writing takes hard work. Give yourself enough time to take a break from the paper. Time away from the paper provides perspective regarding organization and allows the opportunity to find technical errors.

· CITATIONS: It is imperative that you use good citation habits. It is plagiarism to use other writers’ words and IDEAS.

· Use assistance of ATC ACADEMIC CENTER for writing support, WHEN NEEDED.

Paper Presentation Sign-Up Sheet

Tues, Oct 29:…