What impact is it likely to have on birth control for example or notions of love family friendship fidelity marriage duty to country among many other concepts that influence our personal and collective values?
Imagine the following scenario: advances in science have stopped the aging process. A simple injection will permanently arrest the process which has been the natural course of all human existence
enabling individuals to continue living indefinitely. Theoretically people could live forever. Of course persons would still be vulnerable to injury diseases that have nothing to do with aging
(e.g. infections) violence toxicity etc. Aging not death itself has been eliminated. However not everyone can be a beneficiary of this wonder drug. Choose one of the following situations:
1-You are among the .001% of the human population which cannot be treated so you will age in the manner which has been considered normal prior to this new medical advance. In all likelihood you
would be the only person in your social circle in this unchanged state. 2-a: You can be treated and so you will never age. However your only child is among those who is not receptive to the
treatment and so will age and eventually die naturally. If you prefer change the child to beloved spouse or a sibling. Or 2-b: Consider that you and your entire family are genetically excluded
from the treatment and that your progeny would also be excluded.
3-You and everyone you know and love is receptive to the treatment but one person whom you detest even hate is not receptive and so this enemy will age and eventually die naturally.
4-a: The drug stops aging from the moment you receive it. You are receptive but the treatment arrives when you are 80 years old. You would stop aging from that moment on but youd be 80 for the
rest of your extended life. Or 4-b: regardless of age although you are receptive you consider aging a natural and desirable process and so decline the drug. Why?
Consider the emotional spiritual and existential impact which this exclusion would have on you. Would this alter your sense of personal worth? If you are a religious individual would this affect
your faith in God Divine justice etc? How would it impact your view of science? How might this exclusion alter your sense of the purpose or meaning of existence? Regardless of whether you can be
treated or not would you consider the new treatment a total benefit for mankind a partial one a total curse a partial calamity? What impact might it have on activities we consider life-
enriching? Would we be less or more likely to engage in dangerous thrills considering how much more we have to losea potentially endless existence as opposed to a limited one? What impact might
this development in medicine have on what we consider good or bad in art and culture morality ethics law (e.g. capital punishment) politics? What impact is it likely to have on birth control
for example or notions of love family friendship fidelity marriage duty to country among many other concepts that influence our personal and collective values? Keep in mind that this is
supposed to be a reflective analytical essay not merely the expression of opinions and feelings.
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