investigating a phenomenon in real-life situations
Data from the participants in this study were collected using a case study approach. A case study is usually a descriptive observation qualitative research method that focuses on evaluating and or investigating a phenomenon in real-life situations (Hennink, Hutter & Bailey, 2020). In the study, data or information from the participants were collected using various tools and approaches. Primary tools of data collection were both structured and unstructured interviews. The choosing of these two tools was informed by the study design, which focuses on obtaining detailed information about a phenomenon which, in this case, was the experience of the youths who abuse drugs and substance. The sampled group reported being using cannabis and other opioids on many occasions. Therefore, the objective of this case study was to evaluate the real-life experiences of the youth when they were using drugs.
Case study research design is preferred for studying such a phenomenon because of so many reasons. First is that employees random sampling of participants to provide responses that would answer the research questions. Data from the interviews were stored or recorded in books, journals, and digital forms where video and audiotapes were used. Different forms of collected data were analyzed using different methods. Prior to analysis, data were cleaned to ensure validity and accuracy. Video and audio recordings were transcribed before the final analysis. The final analysis of data was done using descriptive statistics where the variables of research were measured in the frequency in which they occurred. Correlational analysis was used to determine the relationship between different variables in the study (Lune & Berg, 2016). Therefore, the findings of this qualitative research were presented as descriptive information detailing the experiences of the youths who use drugs and other substances.
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