The intervention significantly shortened the median duration of catheterization

Background: Duration of indwelling urinary catheterization is an important risk factor for urinary t Show more Background: Duration of indwelling urinary catheterization is an important risk factor for urinary tract infection. Objectives To determine whether a reminder approach reduces the use of urinary catheters and the incidence of catheterassociated urinary tract infections. Methods: A randomized control trial was performed in 2 respiratory intensive care units in a 2990-bed tertiary referral medical center. Patients who had urinary catheters in place for more than 2 days from April through November 2008 were randomly assigned to either the intervention group (use of a criteria-based reminder to remove the catheter) or the control group (no reminder). Results: A total of 278 patients were recruited. Utilization rate of indwelling urinary catheters was decreased by 22% in the intervention group compared with the control group (relative risk 0.78; 95% CI 0.76-0.80; P < .001). The intervention significantly shortened the median duration of catheterization (7 days vs 11 days for the control group; P < .001). Please explain what these findings (relative risk 0.78; 95% CI 0.76-0.80; p < .001) mean in layman’s terms (in simple terms not in statistics terms) Show less


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