How to Create a Care Map and the Care Map Template

Care Map
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Use slide #83 How to Create a Care Map and the Care Map Template (both posted in docshare) to create a Care Map for the sample patient. Slide #85 offers additional guidance in creating a care map.
?slide #83 ?Mrs. Ferman (65 y.o.) presents to your unit for admission. She complains of diarrhea and vomiting for 2 days and abdominal pain. She has not eaten solid food in 3 days.
Assessment: V.S. BP 112/72 P 103 Temp 102.5
Color pale decreased skin turgor
?Write a concept map for the following medical dx.: Gastroenteritis & Dehydration
Choose 2 nursing dx. that are applicable
Name 1 goal for each dx.
Name 2 interventions for each dx.
What would you include in your evaluation?
Slide #85 Include:
Pertinent Information & History: Age gender major medical diagnoses
Pertinent Subjective and Objective Data (that which supports your choice of problems)
Two physiological (not psycho-social) nursing diagnosis
Two measurable goals with a time frame for evaluation (for each Dx)
Two interventions with rational (for each goal)


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