
For this Discussion, you assess your experiences and needs related to your counseling work. Reflect honestly on your experience as you answer the questions and consider whether or not it is difficult for you to answer any of the questions and why.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 3 a brief description of your experience answering the questions. Explain whether it was difficult or easy to answer the questions and why. Then describe one personal need you identified from the assessment and explain one way you might address it. Be specific. Finally, explain any insights you had or conclusions you drew from completing the assessment.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Learning Resources


  • Media Carousel: Trauma-Response Helping Professionals
    • Transcript


  • Course Text: Secondary traumatic stress: Self-care issues for clinicians, researchers, and educators
    • Chapter 5, “Helpers’ Responses to Trauma Work: Understanding and Intervening in an Organization”
    • Chapter 9, “Trauma-Based Psychiatry for Primary Care”
  • Course Text: Compassion Fatigue: Coping with secondary traumatic stress disorder in those who treat the traumatized
    • Chapter 3, “Working with People in Crisis: Research Implications”
  • Course Text: Quitangon, G. & Evces, M. (2015). Vicarious Trauma and Disaster Mental Health: Understanding Risks and Promoting Resilience. New York: Routlege
    • Chapter 10
  • Article: Way, I., VanDeusen, K., & Cottrell, T. (2007). Vicarious trauma: Predictors of clinicians’ disrupted cognitions about self esteem and self-intimacy. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 16(4), 81–98.
  • Template: Vicarious Trauma Self-Assessment


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