Workplace Negotiations personal essay sample




Institutional Affiliation:

Workplace Negotiations

Since I am negotiating for better working terms for myself, there are a few issues that are the most important to me. The first significant issue to me is the salary. The salary is the most critical part of the employer and employee agreement, and any person that gets a good pay also gets to do a better job as they are motivated to do a good job. The next important thing to me is the working hours. There is need to have less working hours since within that period all the necessary work is complete. There is no need of hanging around the business environment to push hours. It is better to complete the target within a specific time and leave. The other important thing for me is the number of days in a week that we work (Brett, 2000). The amount would go to four days a week since in a week only four days are busy. On the fifth and sixth days, almost all people are not in the working mood, and even the clients rarely seek services on the fifth working day of the week. The other important thing for me is the benefits I get from working for the company as an individual. The insurance and the fee reimbursement are a priority to show care for the employee welfare. The last important thing for me as an employee is the office treatment by the seniors. I need to have human treatment and appreciated for my effort. A toxic work environment does not allow an employee to be productive enough (Podolny & Baron, 1997).

My BATNA is to work four days a week, and in those four days, I wish to work for twelve hours each day. The other part of the BATNA is to have a salary increment. My reservation price is getting a fifteen percent salary increment and working for five days (Brett, 2007). In those five days, the working days for each day could be a maximum of seven hours. I do not intend to go too far in the negotiation to lead to loss of the entire probability of getting my demands. My target is to get a twenty-five percent pay increment and get the four working days and twelve working hours each day. The negotiation is not about to get easy, but I have to defend my points keenly to make my supervisor agree to my demands and get the drift of my requirements.

My sources of power are several. The first source is my BATNA. Critically argued, the BATNA makes a lot of sense, and the case still makes sense since all the work gets done even during the increased working hours and the reduced days of working (Brett, 2000). The other source of power is my current position that allows me to make demands and influence the decisions by my position’s authority. The other source of authority that I have is the psychological games. The mind games make my supervisor feel superior is enough to make him want to do things in my favor to confirm that he or she has the power to change decisions.

The most critical issue for my opponent is to have work done. For my opponent it is not about the times and the days but the work need to take place. Another critical issue for my opponent is the need to make profits from the job. Therefore, much as we want the work done, there is also need to have gains come back from the work we are doing (Podolny & Baron, 1997). The benefit of the company sustains the company and makes it possible to pay employees and get the company in the proper running status. The other important issue is for the company to have enough time in the working calendar to accomplish the assigned tasks. With that addressed, the company came up with the current working schedule that is the framework for getting work done. The other important thing for the company is to have motivated employees that deliver in their tasks and meet the company goals. The employee needs are therefore necessary, and the company seeks to address the employee issues to the best of their ability to make the employee comfortable.

The opponent’s BATNA is the current working system which involves the current salary that has been that way for the standard employee; the working hours are eight and the working days are six (Brett, 2007). The schedule works perfectly for the company as they are achieving the targets and getting work done. The other important issues for the opponent are the welfare of the employee and the profit the company makes. The protection of the employee is essential as a company cannot operate on weaklings that cannot deliver the needed energy. Otherwise, the company will fail in the goals. The profit the company makes is also another vital part of the reasons why the company exists.

My opponent’s sources of power include the current BATNA, the position of power and the psychological reasoning. The current BATNA has all the work getting done efficiently hence has been in use for a while. Since the supervisor is also senior, their decision gives them power over the employee and allows them to make any decision they wish to make. The other part that is a source of power for the opponent is the psychology that they would use to convince me that the current working terms are the best I will get anywhere and therefore I should be content (Podolny & Baron, 1997).

My opening move is to stake my terms and the reasons behind the conditions. The reasoning should be convincing enough to get the supervisor to accept that even with my proposed terms. My value in the company will be the same or even better (Brett, 2000).

The BATNA am giving means working fewer hours and getting more pay. It is my responsibility to get the supervisor to see my value even in the reduced hours and see the need to pay me more. The only way to gain power for me in this negotiation is to prove to the supervisor that even with me working for fewer hours my value will increase and I will actually be of more value to the company and also the company will make more profit. The other reasoning is that the total time put in the work in total s still the same as working fewer hours for more days. Working for five days at ten hours a day is not any different from the current work schedules. The hours put in are the same total (Brett, 2007).


Brett, J. M. (2000). Culture and negotiation. International journal of psychology35(2), 97-104.

Brett, J. M. (2007). Negotiating globally: How to negotiate deals, resolve disputes, and make decisions across cultural boundaries. US: John Wiley & Sons.

Podolny, J. M., & Baron, J. N. (1997). Resources and relationships: Social networks and mobility in the workplace. American sociological review, 673-693.