Discuss your rationale for your answer (this should be precise and ordered logically).

You are seeing a new patient: A 42 year old male with no major health issues to date has seen a 17 p Show more You are seeing a new patient: A 42 year old male with no major health issues to date has seen a 17 pound gain in weight over the last month. He has been eating from a fast-food restaurant regularly and is feeling lethargic. Physical examination indicates muscle weakness. Laboratory results indicate an enlarged liver with excessive glycogen granules and high levels of fat (abnormal fat metabolism) negative for hepatitis and low testosterone levels. He also has abnormal calcium balance in his cells. What specific organelle is malfunctioning for this patient? Discuss your rationale for your answer (this should be precise and ordered logically). Also discuss what you would advise this patient to do. Although the fast food is an obvious reason for gaining weight there is an organelle that should still help in metabolizing any food. Show less


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