My topic is challenges of implementation vaccination programs among children and infants in Australia and suggesting the best solutions to overcome these obstacles
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My topic is challenges of implementation vaccination programs among children and infants in Australia and suggesting the best solutions to overcome these obstacles
already written the outline of this topic and I will attache it to you. You have to follow the outline. The introduction should be at least 85 words and conclusion
is 75 words consist of final comment..
There are three body paragraphs each paragraph should be at least 220 words you have to follow the body paragraphs points which they are explained in the outline.
Every sentence should refer to the reference with clear citation and page number. In case you add some information from references which they are given in outline
you have to cite them with page numbers.
And you have to put only one quotation in any body paragraph just 30 words or less and you have to choose this quotation from my references
Finally I will upload criteria sheet and you have to follow these criteria.
also I will submit a model example of structure you must follow examples structure.
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