There will be a couple of options – click on the Save as Video button and save to your desktop as an mp4 file. 

Bid this assignment if you have office 2010 and resent


You are required to convert the attached ppt to mp4 file using the instructions herein.


Here are some tips to convert a PPT to a video for uploading to YouTube in case you cannot get the movie maker program to work:

To convert your PPT presentation into a video:

·        Click on the File tab in the upper left hand corner

·        Click Export

·        Click Create Video.

·        There will be a couple of options – click on the Save as Video button and save to your desktop as an mp4 file.

·        Then you should be able to upload this mp4 file to YouTube.

I use Windows Media Player to view the mp4 files on my computer – so if you have this option, you should be able to view your video on this.


Please include the link to your video at the bottom of your Week 5 written assignment document.

  • attachment



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