Psychotherapy reply two

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Reply to two of your peers’ approaches to the case, providing your feedback and connecting your approach to theirs. What do you agree and/or disagree with? Why? Provide your rationale. What else should your peers consider?

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Re: Week 6 Discussion: CBT Case Study Discussion

by Robert Dickinson – Thursday, 10 October 2019, 6:30 PM

CBT Case Study


In this discussion we are to review the cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) case study provided in week 6 course materials regarding a 16-year-old girl named Brittany who was forced to move across country and is not adjusting well to the move (Regis College, 2019a). We are to respond to four questions provided under week 6 case study discussion.

Question One

“What cognitive behavioral techniques might be appropriate to use with Brittany as she explores her angry feelings toward her parents who want her to be her “old self,” an identity that Brittany clearly rejects (Regis College, 2019b, p.1)?” There are two CBT techniques that stand out for this author. These include cognitive restructuring and skills training. In cognitive restructuring we work with the patient to help them identify areas where there thinking or judgement may be distorted and learn from this as to how to reframe the thoughts and see them in a different point of view and positive light (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles, n.d.). In skills training the therapist works with the patient to correct skills deficits the patient may have (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles, n.d.). One skills area that would be particularly helpful for this client in both interacting with her parents and meeting new friends would be social skills training. The therapist would employ modeling techniques and role play to aid the patient in gaining skills they may be lacking (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles, n.d.). Lastly, although this is a Gestalt technique and not a true CBT exercise, this author would use the open chair technique with this patient.

Question Two

“Adolescence is a time of social experimentation and identity development. How would a cognitive behavioral therapist determine what portion of Brittany’s feelings of “not fitting in” are consistent with her developmental stage and what portion are indicative of social skills difficulties (Regis College, 2019b, p.1)?” Garber, Frankel, and Herrington (2016) offer a great suggestion and guidance in their article. They suggest that the patient be given a developmental screening assessment (Garber, Frankel, & Herrington, 2016). The results of the assessment can them be compared to the chart provided by Garber, Frankel, and Herrington (2016) and the CBT technique aligned with the developmental milestone or skill. For example as per Garber, Frankel, and Herrington (2016) to be able to use the technique of conflict resolution the individual would need to be able perform social perspective-taking and evaluate another person’s intentions.

Question Three

“How would you use cognitive behavioral therapy techniques in a culturally sensitive manner to address Brittany’s feelings about being the only biracial student in her class (Regis College, 2019b, p.1)?” A therapeutic relationship is one where the therapist goes into the relationship with the goal of being a nonjudgmental guide that shepherds their client through their issues. By not making assumptions Graham, Sorenson, and Hayes-Skelton (2013) found that patterns began to emerge that they were then able to explore the cultural significance of with the client. Graham, Sorenson, and Hayes-Skelton (2013) did so by asking questions regarding her cultural background in Puerto Rican. We are not expected to know everything. This author believes it is much more authentic to admit that you don’t know everything about someone’s culture and simply ask them about it. In this method both you and the client learn from the relationship and it further strengthens the trust between you.

Question Four

“How might the principles from REBT be applied to the case study (Regis College, 2019b, p.1)?” As per Corey (2016, p. 271) the basis of REBT is that we cause our own psychiatric problems by holding “rigid and extreme beliefs”. This is evident in Brittany in how she is holding on to her old life before the move. REBT techniques can get her to realize that she is holding on to the past and self-defeating thinking and allow her to create new cognitive constructs so she can reframe her beliefs and move forward.


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