How do you think your education as a RN has influenced you as a nurse or as an individual?

Advanced practice nursing
Order Description
Assignment: Write Response Paper #2 (two pages text max). This paper requires referencing. Include an APA formatted cover page and submit in the appropriate Drop Box.
As the Consensus Model states (NCSBN 2008): Education certification and licensure of an individual must be congruent in terms of role and population foci. Advance practice nurses may specialize but they cannot be licensed solely within a specialty area (Hamric p. 69). Your Advance practice nursing education is based on your foundation as a nurse. Consider how your experiences as a RN have shaped you for the advance practice nursing role.
Response Paper discussion:
How do you think your education as a RN has influenced you as a nurse or as an individual?
How will non-nurses who enter graduate nursing programs experience this phenomenon?Advanced practice nursing
Order Description
Assignment: Write Response Paper #2 (two pages text max). This paper requires referencing. Include an APA formatted cover page and submit in the appropriate Drop Box.
As the Consensus Model states (NCSBN 2008): Education certification and licensure of an individual must be congruent in terms of role and population foci. Advance practice nurses may specialize but they cannot be licensed solely within a specialty area (Hamric p. 69). Your Advance practice nursing education is based on your foundation as a nurse. Consider how your experiences as a RN have shaped you for the advance practice nursing role.
Response Paper discussion:
How do you think your education as a RN has influenced you as a nurse or as an individual?
How will non-nurses who enter graduate nursing programs experience this phenomenon?


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