TED talk on racism, politics, and solutions

View this TED talk on racism, politics, and solutions and then answer the following questions:

· Do you think racism is predictable?

· Which factor mentioned do you think plays a larger part in the prevalence of racist attitudes: education level or geography/neighborhood? Why?

· What do you think of the solutions to the problem of racism that were proposed in this talk?

· How do these solutions address or fail to address the types of racism we learned about this week?

Hi Class,

It seems that our country has had a resurgence in the past five years of struggles related to race. Michael Brown’s killing in 2013 and many other deaths of black men at the hands of police spawned the Black Lives Matter movement . BLM in turn caused a national debate about NFL players protesting during the National Anthem and the Blue Lives Matter movement. We’ve seen white supremacist rallies and KKK members endorse Donald Trump during his campaign, bloodshed and violence at white supremacy rallies, like the one in Charlottesville that killed Heather Heyer. These events come at the heels of the two term presidential administration of our first black president. If Barack Obama’s election to the presidency made anyone think it was evidence that racial tensions in our country had faded, recent events would certainly change their minds.

Has racism in our country gotten worse lately? Or has it always been there and people just feel more free to be vocal with racist comments and actions? What do you think?
ame: Discussion Board Rubric- V3
Description: The Discussion Board is designed to stimulate class dialog that would normally take place in a face-to-face setting. Participation in the Discussion Board serves as a learning strategy to help demonstrate your knowledge of the course content. Please review the Discussion Board criteria in the rubric as well as the expectations in your syllabus and as posted in the main Discussion Board.

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· List View



Needs Improvement


Initial Responses

Points Range:11.88 (39.60%) – 13.5 (45.00%)

The initial post applies course content sufficiently by expanding on the main points of the prompt; responses exhibit critical thinking and analysis.

Points Range:10.26 (34.20%) – 11.745 (39.15%)

Content knowledge is exhibited by identification of the main topics; there is some evidence of critical thinking and analysis, but responses may be insufficient or lacking in detail.

Points Range:8.1 (27.00%) – 10.125 (33.75%)

Understanding of content knowledge is poorly exhibited and insufficient in critical thinking, analysis, and detail. Some main discussion topics are not covered or significantly digress from the topic at hand.

Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 7.965 (26.55%)

Initial response is missing or provides no indication of understanding. Main topics are not covered.

Reponses to Peers

Points Range:10.56 (35.20%) – 12 (40.00%)

Replies to peers or instructors are well developed and insightful, and provide an opportunity for response. Responses promote a discussion either by sharing prior knowledge and experiences, making meaningful connections with course content, asking meaningful questions, or challenging viewpoints.

Points Range:9.12 (30.40%) – 10.44 (34.80%)

Replies to peers or instructors are mostly developed and provide an opportunity for response. Responses contribute to the discussion either by sharing prior knowledge and experiences, making connections with course content, or asking questions.

Points Range:7.2 (24.00%) – 9 (30.00%)

Some replies to peers or instructors are missing or poorly developed and provide little or no opportunity for response. Responses do little to contribute to the discussion.

Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 7.08 (23.60%)

No responses to peers or instructors are presented AND/OR one word responses are provided.


Points Range:1.32 (4.40%) – 1.5 (5.00%)

Written in a clear, concise, formal, and organized manner. Responses are mostly error free. Information from sources is paraphrased appropriately and accurately referenced and cited in APA when applicable.

Points Range:1.14 (3.80%) – 1.305 (4.35%)

Writing is generally clear and organized but is not concise or formal in language. Multiple errors exist in spelling and grammar with minor interference with readability or comprehension. Most information from sources is paraphrased, referenced, and cited correctly in APA.

Points Range:0.9 (3.00%) – 1.125 (3.75%)

Writing is generally unclear and unorganized. Several errors in spelling and grammar. Information from sources is missing or improperly cited.

Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 0.885 (2.95%)

Errors in spelling and grammar detract from readability and comprehension, AND/OR writing includes slang or is inappropriate for academic discourse.


Points Range:2.64 (8.80%) – 3 (10.00%)

Meets or exceeds the minimum number of initial postings and replies to peers or instructors.

Points Range:2.28 (7.60%) – 2.61 (8.70%)

Provided slightly less than the minimum amount of initial posts and replies to peers or instructors.

Points Range:1.8 (6.00%) – 2.25 (7.50%)

Provided significantly less than the minimum amount of initial posts and replies to peers or instructors.

Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 1.77 (5.90%)

There was little to no evidence of active participation in the discussion board, initial postings and/or replies to peers or instructors.
Name:Discussion Board Rubric- V3
Description:The Discussion Board is designed to stimulate class dialog that would normally take place in a face-to-face setting. Participation in the Discussion Board serves as a learning strategy to help demonstrate your knowledge of the course content. Please review the Discussion Board criteria in the rubric as well as the expectations in your syllabus and as posted in the main Discussion Board.



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