Abstract Assignment Grading Rubric

Abstract Assignment Grading Rubric (20 points possible)

Title Page – 1 Point (Must have PERFECT APA formatting!)

Part One – Provide information for the following (1 point each, or 9 points total)

a. What is the hypothesis for study one? Please give me both the null and alternative hypotheses when you answer this question

b. What is the independent variable(s) for study one? Make sure you tell me how many IVs there are and how many levels there are for each IV

c. What is the dependent variable(s) for study one? Note: there are several of these, so focus on the ones the author analyzed.

d. What did they find in study one? Give the general outcome

e. What is the hypothesis for study two? Please give me both the null and alternative hypotheses when you answer this question

f. What is the independent variable(s) for study two? Make sure you tell me how many IVs there are and how many levels there are for each IV

g. What is the dependent variable(s) for study two? Note: there are several of these, so focus on the ones the author analyzed.

h. What did they find in study two? Give the general outcome

i. I want you to review the references and spot the reference(s) that is not in APA format and rewrite it for me according to APA rules. Note: there may be as few as zero and as many as ten incorrect references, so make sure to look at them all!

Part Two – Abstract (1 point each item, or 7 points total)

a. Include the word “Abstract” at the top of your abstract

b. Identify the general problem or research question (the hypotheses) for both studies.

c. Note the participants for both studies

d. Note the IVs and DVs for the studies

e. Note the findings for both studies

f. Note the overall conclusions / implications of the two studies

g. Please include keywords for the study (at least 5 keywords or phrases – these are not included in the total word count)

Writing Quality (3 points)


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