It is now time to complete and submit your Capstone Project. For this Assignment, you have been completing various sections throughout the course. You have individual papers prepared and have received feedback on each one. The Assignment for this week is to combine the identified papers noted in the “Capstone Project Required Content Overview” resource into one paper that reads as a cohesive narrative. An introduction and conclusion will need to be created to begin and end the paper.

(11–15 pages, in addition to the title page and reference page)

The final Capstone Project will need to be placed into the “APA Course Paper Template.” Download the “APA Course Paper Template” (found within the Resources tab).

The final Capstone Project will be placed into the “APA Course Paper Template.”
Download the “APA Course Paper Template” (found within the Resources tab).
Write an introduction to the paper (1–2 paragraphs).
Following the “Capstone Project Required Content Overview” resource, place the sections of your Capstone Project into the “APA Course Paper Template” in the order indicated.
Write a conclusion for the paper.
Make sure to edit the paper so that it reads as a single, integrated paper and not several papers combined.
Review the paper for consistency of APA format. If desired, make an appointment with the Writing Center for a paper review.


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