need corrections



Create and record a slide presentation with accompanying verbal narration, which comprises a comprehensive synthesis of your research and recommendations concerning ethical and cultural considerations of a case study and a research-based plan to resolve the case.

The ability to organize and effectively present information is essential for securing employment and for effective performance as a professional. Fundamental skills include both appropriate verbal communication and visual design using presentation software to convey content to an intended audience.

Create and record a slide presentation with accompanying verbal narration, which comprises a comprehensive synthesis of your research and recommendations concerning ethical and cultural considerations of a case study and a research-based plan to resolve the case.

While examining your previous assessments and making decisions about the essential information that will be presented, it is recommended that you begin by creating an outline and comparing it to the Comprehensive Case Presentation Scoring Guide to ensure you have specifically taken into account and addressed all of the grading criteria in detail.
Slideshow Instructions

You may use PowerPoint to create this slideshow, or if you wish, you may use Prezi or some other option. However, PowerPoint is best supported by the resources provided. You are responsible for making your presentation work.

For each assessment you have written in the course thus far, create 8–10 slides that provide a high-level explanation or summary. In other words, you should create a minimum of 24 slides, plus a title slide, introduction slide, conclusion slide, and references slide. Use a clear and concise structure.

Title slide: On the first slide, enter:
A brief title of the presentation. Your name.
Course number and title.
Capella University.
FlexPath instructor’s name.
Introduction slides: Provide a brief introduction to your presentation. Describe what you will be discussing in your presentation.
Content slides: Provide a high-level overview of the salient points from Assessments 1–3.
Conclusion slides: Briefly summarize your presentation. Provide a concise summary about the topics addressed.
Reference slides: List all references cited in your presentation.

All slides should include presenter notes (a minimum of three paragraphs) of what you will say for each slide. You may use information directly from your previous assessments when writing presenter notes. However, entries should be edited so that they are written as if you are speaking to an audience or a potential employer, for example. You can utilize the presenter notes when recording the audio piece of the presentation.
Voice-Over Instructions

Your presentation should include a comprehensive audio voice-over presenting essential information for each slide. Elements of good verbal delivery include:

Appropriate volume and clear pronunciation.
Avoidance of audible fidgeting and distracting interjections.
Variety of intonation and pacing and appropriate use of pauses.

Important: Before you record your presentation, it is recommended that you allow ample time to practice your presentation until you are comfortable with these elements.

Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in these activities, please contact Disability Services to request accommodations.


Thank you for submitting your unit 4 presentation. You did not include and present all of the information from your first 3 assessments.

Directions state, for each assessment you have written in the course thus far, create 8–10 slides that provide a high-level explanation or summary. In other words, you should create a minimum of 24 slides, plus a title slide, introduction slides, conclusion slides, and references slides. You included 8 slides plus title and reference, introduction, and conclusion slides. You need to fully develop your work to show your understanding and to meet all of the requirements.

Directions state “All slides should include presenter notes (a minimum of three paragraphs) of what you will say for each slide. You may use information directly from your previous assessments when writing presenter notes. However, entries should be edited so that they are written as if you are speaking to an audience or a potential employer, for example. You can utilize the presenter notes when recording the audio piece of the presentation.” You need to include presenter’s notes at least 3 paragraphs per slide.

You did not follow APA formatting rules. Continue to work on APA formatting – this is an important part of scholarly writing in the field of psychology – it gives you the author credibility. I recommend reviewing the 6th Edition of the APA Manual as well. Thank you for your hard work and best wishes to you as you continue on in our program and beyond!!


Dr. Gilston


Managing Drug Addiction using Psychological theories

Student’s Name




According to the new definition of the American Society for the Treatment of Addiction, addiction is a chronic brain disease. This applies not only to alcohol and drugs, but also to gambling or uncontrolled absorption of food, doctors say, so the treatment of addiction, like any chronic disease, takes a lot of time. Behavioral problems are a consequence of a brain disorder. And brain pathology persists for many more years after a person stops using drugs. A complex interaction of emotional, cognitive and behavioral patterns takes place in the brain (Moos 2006). Genetics has an impact on this process (people who experimented with drugs during adolescence or took strong painkillers after injuries are more addicted), age (the frontal lobes, which help to end unhealthy behavior, ripen among the latter, therefore it is more difficult for adolescents to cope with addiction) as well as the fact that you use alcohol or drugs to counter stress. As a result of exposure to dopamine in the hypothalamus, a connection is established between taking something and getting pleasure, which persists even when the use of these substances no longer brings pleasure due to addiction. Understanding how different theories approach drug addiction, it would be possible to develop an effective action plan. It is the goal of this paper to evaluate different theories that focus on the drug addiction and then use the concepts and principles focused to develop an action plan for a drug addict.

Case Issues

Drugs are substances that primarily act on the nervous system, causing false states of fun, complacency, pleasant calm, or vice versa excitement. Sometimes illusions and hallucinations, narcotic sleep, sometimes poisoning may appear. With frequent repetition of the reception, the need becomes unlimited and control is lost over it. As a result, in case of cancellation of the reception, a state of withdrawal occurs as a result of the absence of the usual poison in the body. This is accompanied by instability in mood, irritability, apathy, fears, pains throughout the body and a decrease in mental abilities. Addiction is such a state of life when a person, instead of becoming interested in the world, begins to be interested only in the drug, the need to use it, his craving for it, the sensations that he gives birth to, and so on. Attachment to a drug, to a single tiny particle of our vast world, is gradually building a wall between man and the whole world. This isolating attachment is a deadly disease with social, physiological and genetic background (Arria & McLellan 2012).

The mental state of many drug addicts today is nostalgia for their own lost soul, a dreary fear of the emptiness of their own lives with lost faith, with lost hope, with the effort of spiritual resurrection. They need to learn to live without drugs and life has provided such a chance. Mankind has driven itself into a dead end, but it is necessary to have faith that, perhaps, it will be possible to get out of it. When meeting with such phenomena, it becomes clear that this is a hard-won dependence. Ability to manage the cases of drug addiction could be a big breakthrough to many drug addicts who have almost lost touch with reality due to drugs.

Theoretical Framework

A number of theories have been formulated to help explain how different elements predispose one to drug addiction. Some of the theories would be discussed below

Gestalt theory

Perls’ classical Gestalt theory is also based on the concepts of holism. Holism is a synergistic concept; she claims that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Someone may represent a certain behavior or symptom, but this only becomes meaningful when viewed in the context of an entire individual. In the holistic approach to therapy, attention is focused on various aspects of the personality that manifest themselves (actualize) (Fletcher 2013). Instead of concentrating solely on one aspect, the point of view of holism considers the whole person. Central to holism are the ongoing dynamic processes that are present in the “action”, the act of creation. Only past experience and behavior cannot determine or dictate future action. Thus, the personality is not determined only by past actions or by its history. In Gestalt psychology, the central concept is experience. A person can know only what she knows. Thus, the Gestalt approach does not have absolute and definite knowledge. Knowledge for the most part is relative. A phenomenon (phenomenon) is something that appears in our…