Multinational management | Get Instant Assignment | Homework Help | Term Paper Buddy

Multinational management | Get Instant Assignment | Homework Help | Term Paper Buddy

Multinational management

Business Finance  –

Part 1:

Using Country profiles (WWW) and Cultural Profiles (WWW), give a description of United States, using your own words.

In your observation, are these profiles accurate? Would you amend or add anything to them? Do you recognize yourself in these profiles? Can you think of an anecdote or cultural gaffe, similar to those described on Cultural Misunderstandings (WWW), which happened in U.S.? Please relate it.

Please answer in 300 words or more. Use your own words – please do not copy and paste from a web site. Be sure to reference your sources.

Part 2:

Assume you are holding a business meeting with five people, each from a different continent (North America, South America, Europe, Africa and Asia), you being one of them.

Which steps would you take to ensure that everyone is comfortable and that communication is good between everyone?

Please answer in 300 words or more. Use your own words – please do not copy and paste from a web site. Be sure to reference your sources.

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