Trends In Human Services

Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Unit 3 Points: 100 Overview: One of the trends in human services is the increasing use of technology. This assignment will demonstrate how technology can locate services in your area. Instructions: is a helpful human services resource. Using this website, look up the services in your local area and answer the following questions. If 211 does not bring up services in your local area, search the capital of your state or search online for the services that are available in your local area. Discuss with your instructor if you encounter any problems in your search. 1) Which human services settings and/or trends, as discussed in the textbook readings for this unit, are most represented in your area? For example, are all of the services targeted toward a specific population? Are the services only available in urban areas? Be specific and provide some examples of services to illustrate your points. 2) What trends discussed in the textbook are not being addressed in your local community? Be specific. 3) Is technology included in one of the ways a client can access the services you found? If yes, provide specific examples. If not, how can technology be used with the services/resources you found in your community? Based on what you learned about services in your area, what suggestions can you make regarding the use of technology, if you were advising the head of the agencies servicing your community? Be specific and use material from the textbook to support your answer. Requirements: • Written work must be at least one to two pages (not including title and APA reference pages; typed and double spaced with 12 pt. font) and APA style In-text citations. • Use complete sentences with proper grammar and punctuation. HSV101 – Introduction to Human Services Unit 3 Assignment: Trends in Human Services • Clearly answer the questions in detail. Support your answer with material from the course textbook.


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