social-cultural 2

Please see activity attached. In order to complete this activity, you MUST read the CBT Chapter 8, found under your “My Course Content.”

Please write a summary of AC’s case example. You should describe the presenting problem, symptoms, and the interventions used by the counselor. You should also describe and justify at least one intervention that you would use to help AC. Note: The intervention that you would use cannot be a CBT intervention.

Make sure you provide in-text citations (e.g., Corey, 2017, p. 248) first citing the required readings, and then additional readings if you would like to add material from other sources. This is not necessary, but it is necessary to cite often in your assignments. Then add the references at the end of the assignment – all in APA style of writing.


· Counseling Diverse Older Adults_Activity.docx

Counseling Diverse Older Adults

Part I

1) By 2030 the proportion of older adults in the United States will grow to ________ of the general population.

2) ______________is negatively correlated with levels of ________________; that is, _____________ complaints are more common among individuals who are less _______________ to the dominant European American culture in the United States.

3) More traditionally oriented elders of ___________ and ___________ heritage are more likely to express ____________, anxiety, stress, and __________ in more culturally accepted forms such as _____________, backaches, ______________, gastrointestinal problems, and __________________.

4) Ethnic minorities may be more susceptible to __________________ because of life stressors that include ______________, language barriers, limited _____________ and ____________, and as a result of __________________, smaller ________________ networks and intergenerational __________________ within the family.

5) _____________________ can cause mild to moderate cognitive impairments that may be misdiagnosed as ________________.

6) Over ______________ of older adults have at least one chronic health problem, and _______________ have multiple medical conditions.

7) Many immigrant populations, including refugees from Central America, Southeast Asia, and Africa, have experienced _______________ associated with _____________oppression, civil unrest, and __________. Consequently, these individuals are more susceptible to ___________________________ and its sequelae.

Part II

Please write a brief summary of AC’s case example. You should describe the presenting problem, symptoms, and the interventions used by the counselor. You should also describe and justify at least one intervention that you would use to help AC. Note: The intervention that you would use cannot be a CBT intervention


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