Difficulty to use thermometer for babies or children Difficulty to nurse large number of children continuously and at once Delaying to medicate babies due to the discovery of danger in a delayed time
I did some steps but I dont know how to complete it Show more Hello there please help me in this assigment I did some steps but I dont know how to complete it.. so this is a quick review about my product IDEA The project is composed of a hardware part that will be connected to a mobile application and a web feed. In addition to adding up a GPS the hardware is a pacifier that will receive medical data from the surroundings in specific the temperature and then will send the data to the web page and in case of danger will warn the user through the android application by a Wi-Fi signal. The main purpose of this project is to help in nursing infants and watch over them from distance. SURVEY OF SIMILAR SYSTEMS There was actually one application that is similar to my project Pacif-i- Application and hardware. In that application the pacifier takes the temperature and keeps displaying it on an android application through Bluetooth. Which means the range of the functionality is limited to few meters inside the house. To avoid this our PACI application works via Wi-Fi which means a wider range; and it sends a notification in case of high temperature. However the Pacif-i- application did take Bluetooth as an advantage by using the range it can detect when the baby is almost lost and can also detect how many meters it is away or when the pacifier gets lost. SYSTEM USERS The Wi-Fi Pacifier system is addressed to ordinary users or nursery organizations. Users like parents working moms and nurses in nursery institutes for babies and old people would find it interesting and will save so much effort in the job. Especially that inside nurseries the number of babies and old people is large. Introducing such system to such organizations will save money and working employees and the automated system will be more reliable as for decreasing the rate of neglected or forgotten cases. HOW IT WORKS The user will connect the pacifier to the Wi-Fi network available. The pacifier will keep measuring the temperatures and sending it to Website where the user can view the temperature log anytime anywhere. Then in case the temperature rose above 37 degrees Celsius the user will be notified through the android application. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS PACI might have a future among many institutes if we took some improvements into account. For example one way to improve it is by adding up more medical measurements like pressure heartbeats and acidity level. Another way to improve it is by adding up a GPS to determine where the baby is. It might be also popular not only among infants but also among the elders. Old people who find it difficult or painful to use the normal thermometers might find it pleasing and more comfortable using this pacifier. Questions in the assignment: Idea: Smart pacifier Problem: Difficulty to use thermometer for babies or children Difficulty to nurse large number of children continuously and at once Delaying to medicate babies due to the discovery of danger in a delayed time Difficulty to know babys location in case it gets lost Difficulty to check on baby when the mother at work or distant Untrustworthy nannies Solution: A pacifier which will keep measuring the temperatures and sending it to Website where the user can view the temperature log anytime anywhere. And notify the user in case it rose 37 degrees Celsius through the android application. A GPS is added to the same pacifier to know the location of the child. Show less
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